Adjust header with "zoom-boxes" to same height with "normal header"

Hi there – me again πŸ˜‰,

on this website (Password: Clemens1).

I´m trying to create a header with 5 zoom-boxes (using them as navigation for the subpages (STEUERN, RECHT, ... , DIGITAL)) and I would want the header to behave and always have the same height as the "normal headers" on all other pages

Do you have an idea how this can be done with the new "Advanced" tools and settings for the header section or wrappers?

Looking forward to hear from you.

Thanx and best regards,



  • Hi,

    Please, try to use the Custom height, and put the value that will suit you.


  • Hi Phil,

    I´ve tried you suggestion – and given the wrapper a height of 540px, that didn´t work. Then I added a height of 540px also to the element... but that doesn´t work either.

    Now my text floating over the object is not in place anymore and I have a big gap to the text below (see screenshot)

    Do you have any other idea?

    Many thanks and best regards,


  • Please also add the width value, and check it then.

    However, notice that the items that do not fit the screen will go to the second row.


  • Hi Phil,

    ok – I got it. This won´t really work. But thank you so much for your efforts πŸ‘πŸΌ

    One last thing though: on the same element I´m trying to have the a rgba (0,0,0,0.2)-overlay right from the begining (idle) and not only on hover... is there a way to adjust this with the new tools – I´ve tried it on all "overlay" and "background" settings using rgba (0,255,0,0.5) to see the difference, but had no success.

    And when trying to do it via CSS it get´s overwritten by the settings for the hover (see screenshot)

    Any idea how to do this?

    Many thanks once again.

    Best regards,


  • Please, try to use the following CSS code instead:

    .zoom_box .desc{
       opacity: 1!important;


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