Link to a specific tab

Is it possible to have an url link to target one specific tab to open?


  • Custom | Unique ID [optional]Use if you want to open specified tab from link (does not work on the same page).

    For example: Your Unique ID is offer and you want to open 2nd tab, please use link: your-url/#offer-2

    Thanks to myself xD

    Sorry the waste of time

  • Hi,

    No problem, I am here to help. However, I am glad you manage to find it.

    If you have any other questions or problems, feel free to ask.


  • i am not able to do old equal height of wraps with positioning. Before what i was doing was set equal heigh and background cover, so the image wrap bacground adjusted auto to my text wrap...

  • Please, check the following video tutorial:

    There you will learn how to achieve that.

    If something stays unclear, please, let me know.


  • i had seen this video (tells the same that the one you say) before posting. I have not been able to achieve it.

    Trying and error i thought i have managed to do it, because it worked, but then i added the next section and all the content from the first and second mixed in screen. I had to add a placeholder into wrap to make it work, also dont know if it is mandatory.

    I don't know if i have to set some custom height in section or wrap or what is exactly the process to achieve the old same height width background in one wrap. Do i have to set padding? do you have a step by step doing from scratch?

    Do you have a code to import and see what exactly has changed? Or url to import? If i can see it i can manage my own.

  • Please, attach a link to the page you are working on, and screenshots from the builder, and I will my best to explain what you should do.


  • may i send you credentials?

  • Well, it will surely take much more time than sending the screenshots, but if you prefer that kind of help, please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Explain us, which section is problematic


  • i think i have understood it. section default, wrap stretch, custom height as min height, and after that play with space between, center, and so. Now im going to try sticky wrap

  • Glad to hear that you solved it out, did tutorial from our support center helped?

    Also, if you have some further questions, feel free to ask :)


  • as you know im a developer and i read documentation first. I like more text than videos, help me more. But the thing most help gave me, try and error. When you find how to do something by yourself youll never forget.

    Im very glad about the improvements team betheme is doing, but i think the changes are going too fast for me.

    At least support is good and fast and know what they are doing.

    Take in count that if you are a "one time" customer, you wont notice the improvements , but for me, each major update or upgrade changes the way i have to work.

    But im happy overall

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