Subheader in portfolio

hello, everywher on the betheme, we can choose a subheder picture, but in a portfolio, i cannot. Where can i do that? Now my subheader background is white with a white title ... Please help


  • edited July 2018
    It can be modified with Custom CSS, but only for one site or all of the portfolio pages.
    And subheader, do you mean featured image or subheader itself? - because in subheader can be only color or image for all of them.

  • i see that, the subheader picture of a portfolio can be set only in be theme option, not for each portfolio.
    I cannot understand this choice, because for all posts and pages, we can choose a different subheader image. 
  • So, you can use a Custom CSS for each portfolio page to set up a image for subheader.
    It's possible, and it's basic CSS, do you need help for it?
    Please send me a link to your website.
  • Hi, I'm coming to this question a few years later and I was wondering if there's been a change and if it's now possible to change the photo for subheader for individual portfolio options (besides changing the default in the theme options).

    I don't understand much about CSS but if it's necessary, could you share how to do that?

    My site is;


  • Well, it didn't change through the years.

    Well, in that case we have to for each portfolio find the 'id' from 'body' tag, then create a css for replacing the 'background-image' property in subheader.

    In this case it will look like:

    1. body.postid-46 #Subheader{ background-image:url() }


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