Please attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.
when I default to normal sidebar, the mobile version it's ok but when I make a custom sidebar for a special category had a problem with a mobile version
Sorry, but I quite do not understand.
Can you explain your problem in more detail, please?
If you do not want to use the Elementor, you can deinstall it through the Plugins tab.
If you installed a pre-built website, ensure that you choose the BeBuilder version of it.
hello, I make this problem but, I have a big problem now
1) not show add to cart button
2)I can't make special categories with filter attributes
I want to make a special category filter attribute
3) not show single-page color filter and button add to cart
4) I have this problem
Please attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.
hello, I make all but, I need to make a special category filter attribute
website: but now is coming soon
you record video how make Attribute filtering on specific categories
Please, check the following video tutorials:
If this is not what you refer to, please explain it in more detail, and attach a screenshot showing what you are talking about.
I watched this tutorial but is not what I want.
I want any category special filter.
1) I have category laptops when I get to page laptops I have another filter.
2) I have a category phone when I get to page phone I have another filter.
3) I have a category charger when I get to page charger I have another filter.
I send the video to another website which I did:
For that, you would have to create a sidebar and custom template for each category and add a sidebar element in the builder.
Please make a video
I create a sidebar but I don't can add it each category
Sorry, but we do not make videos on request. Please, check the following video tutorial:
There you will find how to create a template and assign it to categories.
Thanks, I understand and make, but I have e problem on mobile version,
I want to mobile version how is product page sidebar.
I make a video and images
You need to set the Off-canvas sidebar:
I know the canvas sidebar. but I created another sidebar for the category so it isn't working for the category sidebar which I created.
and I had a problem, when I make a custom sidebar for the category, sidebar from the mobile version I sended in details yesterday
when I default to normal sidebar, the mobile version it's ok but when I make a custom sidebar for a special category had a problem with a mobile version
With the sidebar element placed in the content unfortunately there is no option to enable the off-canvas.
It works only with the global WooCommerce sidebar.
Best regards