Gallery doesnt work propertly

Hello, I need that gallery works like a slider, but here doesn't work.

I think it is because I change between display none and display inline, but this shouldn't happen


  • Hi,

    Can you tell me how did you achieve this display, please?


  • I add id in the elements, and javascript code:

    var btn_primeraplanta = document.getElementById('primeraplanta');

    var btn_plantabaja = document.getElementById('plantabaja');

    var btn_zonaocio = document.getElementById('zonaocio');

    var btn_alrededores = document.getElementById('alrededores');

    var carrusel_primeraplanta = document.getElementById('img_primeraplanta');

    var carrusel_plantabaja = document.getElementById('img_plantabaja');

    var carrusel_zonaocio = document.getElementById('img_zonaocio');

    var carrusel_alrededores = document.getElementById('img_alrededores');

    var open = 1;

    var close = 0;

    btn_plantabaja.onclick = mostrarPlantaBaja;

    btn_primeraplanta.onclick = mostrarPrimeraPlanta;

    btn_zonaocio.onclick = mostrarZonaOcio;

    btn_alrededores.onclick = mostrarAlrededores;

    function mostrarPlantaBaja() { = 'inline'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none';


    function mostrarPrimeraPlanta() { = 'none'; = 'inline'; = 'none'; = 'none';


    function mostrarZonaOcio() { = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'inline'; = 'none';


    function mostrarAlrededores() { = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'inline';


  • Yo can see the example here

    Just press the second or third green button, si the gallery will swich

  • Sorry, but we did not test this script with the theme. Our policy states that we do not support custom codes, so, unfortunately, we cannot help you.

    You should contact your web developer instead to resolve it.

    Best regards

  • Thats not support for a custom script, I mean, the Gallery doesn't appear propertly, instead of arrows it opens a new tab...

  • Please, temporarily remove this script, and check if the galleries work then.

    If the same thing happens without the script please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.


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