After I upload the jQuery v1.11.3 in Custom JS, the whole theme options go missing

Hi, however, After I upload the jQuery v1.11.3 in Custom JS, the whole theme options go missing, so what should do now? Reset wp?

And next time when I want to upload some jquery code, is there anything I shouldn't do?




  • Hello Eric,

    Don't you have any backup? If no, the best way will be to reset the record from database, all of the settings are stored in the database.

    If you are not familiar with searching in database, then the only way will be reset of wp.

    Also, you inserted whole code of jQuery 1.11.3 in that field?


  • Yes, I upload the whole code and the problem appear. I want to know:

    1, what the version of jqurey of the lastest version?

    2, Next time when I want to use jquery, what should I do?

  • Please remove the code of jQuery you inserted completely, it's already included in wordpress.

    The whole wordpress is based on jQuery and you should not upload any other version that is installed on wordpress because of critical errors of whole software.


  • Thanks, how can I know the jquery version of the wordpress I'm using? And what should I do next time? Thanks

  • edited September 2022

    You have to enter into the Developer Tools of your browser and type into the console the "jQuery().jquery" command, it will return you actual version.


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