An error occured. Please refresh the Bebuilder
Hi there,
Today I tried to adjust a websitepage which I created about 3 years ago. Evrything (WordPress, Theme and Plugins) are up-to-date, but I am unable, using the Bebuilder, to make any changes. I receive the mesaage "An error occured. Please refresh the Bebuilder".
How can this be solved?
In the front-end the website is 100% okay.
Did you refresh your page as the message says?
Does it happen every time when you want to edit something?
Best regards
Hi Phil,
Thannk you for your answer and help.
The message indicates to refresh the builder, Not the page.
I did refresh the page but then I see the same message unfortunately.
I solved the issue. The Bebuilder and the Wordfence security plugin collide apparently. Might be worth investigating? I now deactivated this plugin and installed another security functionality. (de)activating the Wordfence plugin showed and solved the issue.
What you can try to do to have Wordfence active is to open the browser console while editing the page with BeBuilder, and when the error 403 appears, add it to the white list.
Best regards