If you want to remove content, you need to remove all things separately from all sections like Media, Portfolio, Pages, Posts and all other. This can be done in main wp dashboard menu which is on the left side. But also you can remove whole wordpress installation with theme and then you need to install wordpress and theme again but this time without installing demo content.
@DNALifestyle Do you mean "not include" or "include"? Because we don`t have any button or possibility to remove content so we can`t "not include" this button as this is not nowhere
You can do it via FTP. Just remove whole folder and also you need to clear your database but this could be done via phpMyAdmin tool. If you don`t know how to do it, then you must contact with your hosting provider.
This is crazy that there is not a one click option to delete a demo and it's contents within the WP framework! For us to have to manually go and delete files on server AND go into database and delete is insane. Yes, this theme offers a lot of different scenarios, but there is no room for error in trying to figure out which demo to start with in your case.
Well, I agree with other users. Betheme should have an option (button) to allow us remove the demo data, because developers normally would like to test other demos to check which ones would better fit their needs.
We hope that you guys make this option available in the near future.
I have the same problem right now. I even have no idea how to clear it manually. Now I need to remove everything myself. All my previous work gone. That´s really frustrating :-(
@Romina_Flummi There is nothing difficult in manual clearing. But it's time consuming because you must visit each section and remove all things one by one.
DO NOT IMPORT DEMO content whatsoever if you already customize the theme.
I am having a problem that I already customize my site half way through but I imported the demo data just want to experience something. IT SIMPLY REPLACED EVERYTHING I HAVE DONE SO FAR.
I didn't expect it replaced the thing that I am working on already.
My solution? I will contact my hosting provide whether or not to roll back to the previous 24 hours prior the time I imported the demo. I hope this would save my day and probably yours.
@tjsajja The content of a new demo is being added into WordPress and it is not true that it removes current content. However, demo settings, overwrite existing and this is regular behave of course.
If you want to see how things were done on other demo, you should create an extra WP instance where you can freely import as many demos as you like as this is the best way to learn how things on demos were done.
Sincethis discussion is already a bit older I would like to ask for a short time how to delte a demo-theme completely in2018.Sorrymy english ist not so good. Tanksfor an answer
l4qta2 Hello, when you choose to install another pre-built website you will be promped about database reset. To get rid of the installed pre built website you would have to wipe the wordpress clean. You could import only the content, theme options or sliders. thanks
Hi @gratianne It means, that you can install the second WordPress + second betheme and test new or other pre-built websites on subdomain or subfolder. You can register unlimited subdomains with one license key, as long as the main domain is registered under the same key. This also applies to the subfolder on localhost installations. Thanks
If you want to see how things were done on other demo, you should create an extra WP instance where you can freely import as many demos as you like as this is the best way to learn how things on demos were done.
when you choose to install another pre-built website you will be promped about database reset. To get rid of the installed pre built website you would have to wipe the wordpress clean.
You could import only the content, theme options or sliders.
It means, that you can install the second WordPress + second betheme and test new or other pre-built websites on subdomain or subfolder.
You can register unlimited subdomains with one license key, as long as the main domain is registered under the same key. This also applies to the subfolder on localhost installations.