Ice Cream 2 Theme Broken on Mobile
I just installed Ice Cream 2 on my site, and the headers are not responsive. They look great on desktop, but mobile looks very off on every page. On the homepage, the Slider Revolution image is very small. I toggled off Mobile in Slider Revolution thinking that would fix the issue, but the header still doesn't look the way the theme preview looks at The rest of the pages are also off with the header and text sizes on mobile.
All my server and Wordpress configurations have a green checkmark next to them, and the only customization I have done thus far is adding my logos and favicons.
Please advise.
Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.
It is always a good idea to also attach a screenshot showing your issue.
The page is available at Here are screenshots of how the pages look on mobile (your demo versus my site).
1) We need to correct the slider. You can wait until we correct it and import it again, like in the following video tutorial:
or you can correct the mobile display by yourself and additionally adjust the slider display for your purposes.
2) It Seems that the setting does not import correctly. You can set it up in Betheme -> Theme options -> Responsive -> Header by setting the Subheader padding to 80px.
Best regards
Thank you. Do you know when you'll have it fixed?
It should be done by tomorrow.
But I can inform you here.
Best regards
Thank you. Can you help me with one more thing? How do I get the main headline (Feel free to contact us) to be left justified like the demo site? It looks like there is extra padding in my site settings, but I'm not sure where to make the change.
Please, put the following CSS code in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS:
Thanks so much. That worked perfectly!