Mega Menu Images
Hi there,
I no longer see the option for background image URL for the mega menu. I have a header template built, but our customer is asking for images in the dropdown.
Can someone advise me how to do this?
Hi there,
I no longer see the option for background image URL for the mega menu. I have a header template built, but our customer is asking for images in the dropdown.
Can someone advise me how to do this?
Can you tell me how did you build your Mega Menu, please?
Did you use BeBuilder?
Best regards
Yes I built the "header" template using bebuilder, but when you go to appearance -> menu you can't select a background image to display in the dropdown.
But in the Mega Menu, you build with BeBuilder, and you do not set the background image in Appearance -> Menus, but in the section options.
Did you watch the video tutorial I sent in my previous message?
Please, attach a link to your website.
Best regards
Yes I have watched the video posted above. When I create a mega menu template this is the screen I get in BeBuilder. I can't add any elements to it. Do you know why this is happening?
Please, update Betheme to the newest version, and the problem will be gone.
Best regards
Thank you
Ever since the theme update the menu is now displaying like this. Any idea why?
Do you have version 26.7?
If yes, there was a new update 26.7.1 fixing this problem, so, please ensure that you have this version.
Best regards
Now we're having this issue again. The client is getting very frustrated with us, but we feel that our hands are tied.
Please go to Settings -> Permalinks, and if you have the Permalink structure set to Plain, change it to any other.
If it is set to a structure other than Plain, resave this setting, and check the template edit then.
Thank you, updating the permalinks made that error go away. Now we're trying to "activate" the mega menu but our template is not updating on the front end. Please see screenshots below.
We're doing the exact same steps that you laid out in your video.
Thank you,
Ok, we did figure out what I commented on above.
Now we're having an issue with the mega menu not showing on mobile. Is it possible to have the mega menu only display on desktop and tablet, but hide it on mobile? We would create a custom mobile menu for phones.
Also is there a way to clone a template?
1) Sorry, but your message confuse me. So does it display on mobile or not?
It should not display on mobile display, and if you have some submenus that should display on mobile, you should create a new menu in Appearance -> Menus for mobile display and assign it to the hamburger menu.
2) You can use the Export/Import feature in BeBuilder.
Please, check the following link about it: