Random Testimonial per page


I am able to control my Testimonial slider using BeTheme Theme Options Sliders - I was asked to disable the auto slide. My Testimonials appear of several pages.

But now they are asking if it is possible to have a different testimonial appear each time a page is selected or refreshed.

Would this require CSS code?



  • Hi,

    Unfortunately, there is no setting to achieve that, nor can it be done by CSS.

    To make it work, you would have to modify theme files, but we do not provide help with such customization.

    Best regards

  • edited January 2023

    If I adjusted the timing 50 seconds in Theme ops would the testimonial slider change when opening a different page or would it just start at the beginning each time?

  • Is there a control for he speed of the transition of testimonials? I thought I could control it in BeTheme Theme options under slider but It didn't change.

  • 1) The slider will start from the beginning each time you open this page.

    2) Please, try the following CSS code:

    1. .testimonials_slider .slick-track{
    2.    transition-duration: 3s!important;
    3. }


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