equal heights style options on sections NOT available
They're simply not there. Strangely, one of the prebuilt pages (a privacy policy) has a section with those options available, but when I create sections myself, the options are simply missing. What is going on? It's a fresh site so literally everything is the latest version. The fact that some sections have this options while others do not certainly seems to indicate a bug.
On the prebuilt privacy policy page, I tried unchecking "Equal Height | wraps" from the style, updated the page, refreshed, and now the option is completely gone even from that section where it was a second ago. This makes no sense and is absolutely infuriating.
This option is deprecated. Please, check the following link about it:
Please, check the following link on how to do it in a new way:
I don't think this works with Icon Boxes? I tried some of this, not sure I did everything in the video, it's been a while since I've looked at this - but I remember seeing that video and going through it and trying it and pulling all of my hair out.
I have a section with a wrap with 4 icon boxes and a long sentence of text in each. In responsive squeeze the text wraps variably as text normally does and this causes the heights to vary. Worse, they spill entirely out of the column, wrap, and section they are contained in. If it simply pushed out the section to encompass the expanded height icon boxes that'd be great, because then it wouldn't collide with content in the next section. But yeah I think icon boxes are screwed up with responsive behavior. Nothing should ever spill out of it's wrap/section like that.
Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please ensure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.
It is always a good idea to also attach a screenshot showing your issue.
I thought I described it adequately but have a look here:
About - Townsgate Closing
https://townsgateclosing.com/about/In the "With You The Entire Way" section - it's a section, with a wrap and column text which is fine, then below, another wrap, with 4 icon boxes 1/4 each. The responsive behavior when shrinking the browser of the icon boxes themselves is acceptable but the problem is that they spill out of the colored section containing them.
How can I force the section to resize to accomodate the size of the icon box content regardless of browser size? The content within the wraps within the section *should always be inside the section no matter what* and that is simply not the case. I cannot imagine any scenario where someone would want the content to spill out like that.
Please, put these icon boxes in separate wraps and in the section options set to stretch wraps.
@Phil, I tried that, it didn't help. You can see the result here:
About - Townsgate Closing
https://townsgateclosing.com/about/Section contains 4 wraps 1/4 layout each, each containing 1 icon box 1/1 layout to fill the wrap, section style set to Full Width and Stretch Wraps under Advanced/Positioning in the section. When resizing horizontally/responsive the icon boxes still spill out of the section.
Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact, and we will check what might be the reason.
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There are many misconfigurations in your original section.
I copied it to a new page "BeSupport page", reset almost all settings, and set up this section again.
Please, check how it is built, and copy it to your "About" page.
Best regards
The new page looks good mostly, definitely fixes the icon box wrap problem.
Let's have a detailed look at the differences between your page and mine so that others may benefit who also have problems with elements spilling out of their sections.
Original page has Deprecated options because (I think) the page was created prior to a theme upgrade. I noticed in another case or two that this had significant effects on the behavior of the page. Not sure how much of a factor that was here.
But anyway let's analyze the changes:
Missing Section:
2) You removed a section above the Icon Boxes section which contained a column text item with the text "With you the entire way" and a subline. Unfortunately this is required content. I assume this removal was an accident. I replaced the missing content section and attempted to match precise settings from original page (rather than using export/import so that I could check things.) I notice some Deprecated options are missing such as Background position in the Section settings.
3) Also, Section > Positioning > Horizontal Align is forced-pre-selected while in original page, nothing was selected at all for this - and since it cannot be deselected, I cannot match this setting precisely, however it doesn't seem to have caused any problems.
4) More serious is that despite checking every setting on the section, wrap, and Column Text, for some reason the new column text containing section is not full width (background color stops about 1/3rd of the way from the left). However, I fixed this by removing "display:table-row" from the custom CSS on the section. I don't remember why I had that in there, but for some reason keeping this on your new page broke the fullwidth behavior but worked OK on the original page.
5) Also, a larger padding appeared below the content that wasn't on the original page, despite identical settings. Solved by reducing Section bottom padding from 75px to 0px but not sure why I had to do that. This isn't worth investigating but I thought I'd mention it.
6) In conclusion regarding this new section, re-adding it did not negatively affect the section below.
General page option changes:
6) Original page had Subheader and Content top padding disabled under Page Options. Re-disabling these on the new page worked OK.
Regarding the actual Icon Boxes and their wrap/section (I'm assuming that virtually all differences are necessary to contain the Icon boxes within the section:)
7) At first glance, the screen edge padding is visually different but within acceptable limits for the design, so no problem.
8) The Section Shape Divider > Color was removed. Assume accidentally. Replacing it did not seem to break anything (probably because no shape divider is actually present).
9) Section settings > Deprecated > Background Position is missing from new page section options, but wasn't being used so not a problem.
10) It appears you changed the Section padding from 5px 100px 75px 100px to 75px 4% 75px 4%. I assume this is necessary to contain the icon boxes, however, I'm not entirely sure why that would make any differenc really.
11) Section content position was changed to Default, was Center. Everything is still centered though, so no problem.
12) Section Positioning > Horizontal Align is now Left, was unselected, but unselected no longer appears to be possible once something is selected, which is probably a deprecated GUI behavior. New setting seems fine.
14) display:table-row was removed from custom CSS. Fine with me. I think I did that because it helped, but did not solve, this spilling problem on the original page, but replacing it on the new page breaks things so I'm leaving it out.
15) Original page had an empty wrap above the icon boxes which was removed from the new page. Fine by me, I'm not sure why that was there, probably my failed attempt to brute force fix the icon box spilling problem in some bizarre way.
16) The wrap containing the icon boxes no longer has the Deprecated options. Previously those were set to Background pos: Left-top, Bg size:auto, Elements vertical align:top.
17) Wrap margin was altered from 0/0 top/bottom to 10px 10px right/left. Seems fine.
18) Significant changes in Wrap Positioning. Wrap position changed from Stretch to Default. Wrap content position changed from Stretch to Default. Elements vertical align changed from Stretch columns to Default.
19) Background color of #e2ebf0 was applied to the wrap which wasn't in the original page, but probably helped.
20) The 20px Border Radius on the original page was moved from the Icon Boxes to the Wraps.
In conclusion: That's a lot of differences. Unclear how many of these solve this spillage problem and how many have no effect and are simply a byproduct of generating a new, non-deprecated page and resetting settings, but at least it's fixed now.
It seems to help to re-create your pages from scratch after upgrading the theme as you did here, otherwise they stay in Deprecated mode, which may affect things negatively. So the deprecated original page may be a factor, it's hard to say without spending time matching up options between the two pages to see, and not worth the time really. But this was certainly many more changes than merely "Please, put these icon boxes in separate wraps and in the section options set to stretch wraps.", which I did in the original page, but it didn't help. I suspect it might be very difficult to fix this on the original Deprecated page, as it seems it's not just a misconfiguration of a few things, but many things that are different between the Deprecated pages and the new pages.
Anyway - it's all working now and thank you for the support. I hope this post helps others.
Thanks for explaining what you noticed about what was changed. I am sure this will help others with a similar problem.
It is sometimes hard to determine changes to apply by looking at the page, but after all, I am glad I could help with section recreation.
Best regards