Footer covers slider Revolution when carousel gallery slider becomes full screen.

edited February 2023 in BeBuilder

There is an icon at the image bottom right to change to fullI screen. When I click that icon the image goes full screen but the green footer covers the middle of the image. i changed the z order of slider Revolution to 5 but that didnt solve problem. How do I make footer stay at bottom. See screenshot.



  • Hi,

    Please, go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Footer, choose Style to Stick to bottom[...], and check if the problem persists.

    Best regards

  • Thank you for that input. It solved the problem but it created another one. In order to get to full screen I clicked a rectangular icon in the bottom right of the image. After I am in full screen mode. There should be an icon at the bottom to exit full screen mode but it is now covered by the footer. There is no longer a vertical scroll bar, which had been present in non-full screen mode. So I am stuck in full screen unless I reload the page. Please advise. Thank you.

  • Please, try with Sliding (under content) Footer style.


  • That did it. Thank you

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