Hide Page Featured image from header menu


How can I delete the featured image that appears on the header for pages with featured images?

Example: http://acede.es/hogar-saludable/



  • Solved it by changing header.php: removed <?php echo $header_style; ?> from id="Header_wrapper"

    Not sure if it's the right approach or not...
  • Hi,

    you don't need to edit any files. You can activate "Header Minimalist" option under Theme options > Header & Subheader > Header section and this will do the trick.
  • Hi there,

    Sorry to be reviving an older thread, but I have tried to activate the "Header Minimalist" option because I too want to remove the featured image that appears on the header.

    However, I am not really looking for the minimalist option. I like the padding that is not minimalist, so all I want to change is the featured image.

    Can this be done with CSS?
  • @dharborne If you want to change featured image for page, you should use "Featured image" option which is on the right hand side when you create/edit pages.
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