Unwanted extra space at bottom of slider


  • Hi,

    Please, edit your Slider, and set the Layout to Full-screen.


  • see 2 screenshots.

    when set to full width I have unwanted white space.

    When set to full screen the white space is gone but the

    images are distored

  • This space appears because you are using a Sliding bottom Footer, and there is not enough content on this page.

    I can see that you added some text to it, and the problem is not present.

    But the screenshot with the full-screen option enabled does not say me much. If you could enable it for a while, I could check what is happening on live.

    Best regards

  • I added content because I wanted to see if lack of content was causing the problem.

    With full-screen enabled, the gap is gone but the images are now distorted. I have left the full-screen setting enabled which removes the gap but causes the pictures to be distorted. You can see the problem now. I will leave full screen set until I here from you.

    Note that I have the same type of slider on https://stevengreenbaumphotography.com/palouse/ There is no problem on that page.

    Also note that I just looked at my ipda (tablet) and it doesn't have the problem. Everything looks great

    I have also been in touch with slider revolution and attached screenshot shows their latest suggestions. I tried them but they didn't work s

    o I have removed their change suggestions

  • Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact, and I will check what I can suggest to you to solve that.


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  • Slider Revolution said the following which seems to have fixed the problem

    The problem was your footer is set to "fixed during scroll" and that is why when the content is too short then it is making a gap between the content and the footer.

    I have fixed the issue by changing again your slider to full-width and going to your BeTheme Theme Options -> Footer -> Layout -> Set "Style to "Default".

  • I thought you wanted to leave this style, but good to see that another one suits you, and works properly.

    Best regards

  • Im not sure what you mean by "keep this style". Please explain

  • I meant the sliding bottom Footer style.

    Best regards

  • Ok. Thank you

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