Portfolio element/widget - autoload more when switching categories

Hi dear all,

website: https://pfister.demo4you.de Password for access: web2023**

On Startpage we're using the Portfolio Item to display some of the products (Please see section under Headling: "Auszug unserer Produkte").

In BeBuilder we have wet the projects number to 8, and set the filters to "show". There are three product categories. Filters, load more ... are working great.

But there is one question left which we are unable to "fix":

On the first tab you'll see 8 products random selected from all three categories. When you select one of the categories "Innenausbau" "Küchen" "Wohnen", only the few products from those previous 8 loaded ones are shown. Is it possible to create a setting, that the products are always filled up to 8 - even when you click on the product categories? That would look much better, when there are always 8 products shown.

I hope everything is clear?

Big thanks in advance.




  • Hi,

    jQuery filtering (used for portfolio items) works best when all posts per page (or most) are loaded.

    I suggest setting as many posts as possible for that item.

    Best regards

  • Dear Phil,

    thanks for your quick response. But I think you misunderstood me. We're using the Portfolio Item as a product "sneak peak" to show about 8 products on de default home page. So we cannot load all products here.

    8 products are random loaded and are showing up on the first tab (all products):

    The example above does include two products for the category Küchen (kitchen). When I click on the products category kitchen, it will show those two:

    That sound logic to me. My question is, is there an option to trigger jquery filtering that it will always fill up to 8 products, even when the user clicks on one of the products category. Because like it's working not, it's not quite looking nice, when user than "just" sees two products, or just one or nothing.

    We tech guys understand that, why. But a simple website visitor expect always seeing (for example) 8 products.

    So is there a "solution" for that? When no, I think we need to switch of jquery filters on this Portfolio Element on the default home page.



  • Unfortunately, there is no workaround for that.

    You need to enable pagination or load more button.

    Best regards

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