Theme Consultant 2: How to edit the start page?

Dear all,

I purchased BeTheme and installed the Theme "Consultant 2" at my webpage.

Now I want to edit the start page (where the woman points to the left, see attachment 1: oig)

However I cannot find this page (or section) in the backend.

I'm editing the page with Elementor (no pro) and do find all sections to edit in the navigator at the right, exept the first one. (=Start) (attachment 2: omj)

Where or how to edit the first one?

Best Regards,



  • Hi,

    This part comes from the Slider Revolution and can be edited with this tool.

    Best regards

  • Thank you very much, that's great!

  • edited April 2023

    @Phil I have still some small issues:

    1) where to change that background color: (i could only change it one-by-one by clicking into e.g. the photo) => is there a central way to change it or is this specific for this site (in "Statistic"-Section)?

    2) can the Text colour of all Numbers be changed centrally? (I could only find one-by-one)

    3) where to change the second colors for the sections in the header (currently red)? How is this called (I found a lot of different boxes with red color, but cannot remember where in the backend => do I have to change them all?)

    4) This small header seems only being able to change one-byone as well => can the color be changed centrally?

    Maybe all the questions have got a similar answer, but sorry I don't know it and did search a few hours already.

    5) Where to change the secondary color of the FAQ? => in each singular style object they seem to have no color at all

    6) Where to change the border color and the color of the pre-filled text => I did find the menu WPadmin/Slider Revolution and already changed the button color and text, but can't find the border colors

    all numbers are shown in the screenshots:

    Thank you,

    Best Regards,


  • 1) Background color can be changed in Betheme -> Theme options -> Colors -> Header by changing the Header background.

    2) Please attach a link to your website so I can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please ensure the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.

    3) It can be changed in Betheme -> Theme options -> Colors -> Menu in the Active link field.

    4) Headings colors can be modified in Betheme -> Theme options -> Colors -> Headings.

    5) It is placed in Betheme -> Theme options -> Colors -> Elements.

    6) Last but not least, forms colors can be adjusted in Betheme -> Theme options -> Colors -> Forms.


  • @Phil Thank you very much, that did work out.

    I also changed the Top Bar Left Background according to this article

    to a dark color scheme.

    However in the very first starting page this top bar doesn't seem to show up because of Slider Revolution.

    In Slider Revolution settings I couln't find a setting to change it identically as if the Top Bar left would be there.

    7) How can I realize this?

    Also I implemented a new page called "Impressum" (or "Legal notice" in english, it's legally required, but not implemented into the Theme Consultant2 ) => this shows up with a different header (seems to be wordpress standard in the top middle section of the page) and doesn't look like all other pages.

    8) Is there a way to create a new page in the same style as the current webpage? (That it doesn't interfere with the top bar and/or Slider Revolution)

    By the way, I don't understand, what Slider Revolution is for in detail (what are the benefits of it?)

    Thank you very much,

    Best Regards,


  • Can you attach a link to your website, please?

    I need to take a look at it before answering you.

    And the Slider Revolution is a powerful tool for making advanced hero sliders with different effects, animations, etc. However, if you prefer a rather simple hero slider, I suggest building it with BeBuilder, because SR is a heavy tool that can make your website run slower.

    Best regards

  • edited April 2023

    Dear @Phil ,

    here is the website:

    When you open it at first, the top menu has got a white background. once you scroll down the dark blue background is shown.

    can it be dark blue before scrolling as well?

    in the footer links you find the sites , which currently show their links at the top of the pages, interfering with the menu bar.

    can the pictures in testimonial section (currently "Projekte") be shown bigger and not that avatar in case if no picture is available.

    also I'd like to apply the same blue background to the footer section, however cannot find, where to edit this background color.

    thank you very much,

    Best Regards,


  • 1) Please go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Global -> General, and uncheck the transparent top bar option.

    2) Head to Betheme -> Theme options -> Header & Subheader -> Subheader, and set up bigger top padding for the subheader.

    3) There is no option to change the size of the images in testimonials. Also, there is only an option to hide or show images at all.

    However, you can try to rebuild this slider with query loops.

    4) Background for the Footer can be set in Betheme -> Theme options -> Colors -> Footer. Ensure that you do not have transparency set as in the first point of this message.

    Best regards

  • Dear @Phil ,

    Thank you for your answer.

    1) hasn't been checked at all and

    2) (incl. checking "Hide Subheader" as shown in Screenshot, i hasn't been checked before) the issue at the top of both pages linked in footer is gone now,

    but the menu bar (in white at the starting page) doesn't show any differences.

    3) can I the at least get rid of the icon of a grey/white person, which appears, when I delete the images. ...So no icon/image at all?

    4) I did try to change the footer color in the menu you explained already, with no effect.

    No I tried it once again and it worked, Thank you very much.

  • 1) So please go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Header & Subheader -> Header, and choose the Classic style.

    2) I did not want to suggest hiding the subheader. It was just setting for my environment, but if it suits you, then leave it as it is. ?

    Then instead, set up some header height in Betheme -> Theme options -> Header & Subheader -> Header.

    3) In the testimonial element setting, check an option to hide an image

    Best regards

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