show all product categories (no cat-expander icon)

edited May 2023 in Other

Hi all,

I'm using the jewelery2 theme from betheme and added some product categories & products to the store.

Unfortunately, my sidebar within the store shows only the first level of the category hierarchy. To see more product categories, the user needs to expand by a little arrow icon (s. red marked in the attachment)

I would like to change that, so that all categories incl. their hierarchy are visible by default.

Would be great if someone knows a solution for that.

Thanks a lot in advance,


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  • Hi,

    Please try the following CSS code:

    1. ul li ul{
    2.  display: block!important;
    3. }
    4. ul li .cat-expander{
    5.  display: none!important;
    6. }

    Put it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.

    Best regards

  • thanks Phil,

    thats works fine!



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