Help, CSS, spacing set in BeBuilder not working

Using the BeBuilder editor on a page, none of the settings provided on the Edit page for an object, element, or section are working. CSS isn't working, if I change the colors of a button it just stays default, unable to add padding or margins through the Edit tab, objects that are supposed to be centered aren't. The only way I can style things is to use the custom CSS field at the bottom.


  • Hi,

    Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.

    It is always a good idea to also attach a screenshot showing your issue.

    But before that, please see the following link:


  • Thank you.

    CSS changes aren't taking, whether I use the BeBuilder editor or enter it as custom css. For example, the button on this page:

    Using Bebuilder, editing the button in the style tab doesn't work. Adding custom css in the custom css field for the page doesn't work properly. I thought it might be a caching issue but clearing the cache on the page doesn't help.

    Here is how the button appears to me, in case there is any difference on your end:

  • Also, the page looks different live than when previewed with the Be Preview function. The Be Preview applies some of the changes but not all.

    The page has a cache clearing function but that doesn't do the trick. I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the business owners running their site through a third party IT security company that may have their own caching.

  • ... though that wasn't affecting my ability to see changes apply instantly as I was building the page. It seems mostly CSS related.

  • Did you check the link at the bottom of my previous message?

    If not, please do that, there you can find out how to handle this problem.

    Best regards

  • I did, that was not the issue

  • Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.


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