Pages are not showing the right content


When I create a new page and add content to it and change the layout of it and then publish it everything is ok. But when I look the next day, the content is gone and it shows all the content of my homepage.

I'm creating this on a staging part of my website so it is not visible live to everyone.

Is that the problem? How can this be fixed?

Image one is how it should look like.

Image 2 is how it looks when I click 'edit with Bebuilder)




  • Hi,

    It could mean that some tool on your server erases it.

    It would be best to contact your hosting provider and ask about it.

    When you do that, please let me know what they said.


  • Hi

    They say that there isn't anything from the server side that is erasing it, but it might be a plugin.

    But how do I know which plugin? If I need to turn them of one at a time and wait until the next day... I have for weeks. I don't have that time.


  • To be sure that one of your plugins is the culprit, you can disable them for a day.

    Especially check optimizing plugins if you use any.

    Our theme does not erase anything over some time, and usually, it is caused by server tools or plugins.

    Best regards

  • Hi,

    I have tried to disable plugins but the problem stays the same. Lost a week already with this and I can't move on. What can I do?


  • Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

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    Therefore, please ensure that the data you are sending is complete and correct.


  • I have received your message, and I am looking at this.

    Best regards

  • Did you find the problem?


  • Yesterday I created a page for testing (BeSupport test page), and when I checked it today, it stayed the same as I left it.

    Also, I checked other pages on your website, and they do not seem to have content from the home page.

    I also noticed that many pages have WPBakery content. Did you also use this builder on your pages?

    The only page that behaves incorrectly is the one from your screenshot, but it is instead a problem with redirection (this page leads to home), so this is not related to Betheme.

    Are there any extra steps to reproduce that, or should I look in some particular places?

    Best regards

  • That is strange, because I tried to create several pages and named them differently and each time when I saved them and go back to it, it shows the homepage.

    The WPbakery pages are from the old template that I still use on the main website that is live. They will all be removed since I'm creating new ones in the staging site;

    So not sure why it is working for you but it isn't for me.


  • Indeed it is really strange. You can also try to use a different browser to see if it is not related to it.

    I am not able to reproduce your problem on none of PC and browsers I was testing with.

    Best regards

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