We are trying to change the search view result page to look like shop products. And going through the comments and discussions, we found there should be some options like search - icon | search shop products only. But we couldn't find it in the theme option.
The message from your screenshot is really old. The location of it changed.
This option is placed in Betheme -> Theme options -> Search -> Form.
Best regards
Yup, we followed the steps, but when we tried to save changes the page reloads and stuck on hide.
And we just realized the whole website css has been crushed. We setup up our website with cloudflare pro plan and Wp rocket.
Also we deactivate WP rocket and paused cloudflare still we could not save changes in the theme option.
We put the URL in the image and it looks like this. This is another issue with the builder.
Please, turn off all of the plugins, refresh your cache, and check if the problem persists.
Moreover, if you use a child theme, switch to parent, and recheck it.
ok, we'll try and let you know.