Important: Using beTheme Builder With Blog Posts or Query Loops with Custom Post Types (CPT)

edited August 2023 in BeBuilder

Good afternoon, how are you MuffinGroup?

I took the time to write this article.

We need to create something personalized efficiently and dynamically, using Custom Post Types

Every developer knows that there is such a important function available.

When creating one, unfortunately your BeeTheme builder does not identify any new CPT within the Loop Options of the Blog posts function or similar query loops functions inside the BeeBuilder, making the post loop process very unfeasible, which in theory should be simple, very simple and even efficient. Something that really should have been in scope from the beginning of this theme project.

Could you at least send documentation so that we could enable this CPT inside?

It was already very complicaded to make the ThemeBuilder works inside the Custom Post type, i did that with some questions about, but don't wait for that one.

I would appreciate it if you sent the instructions, after all I was not the one who created the system behind. And simply saying that it is not responsible for custom codes is the same as not caring about the project that was developed.

I would really appreciate it if there was a quick feedback, because the system really as a whole is very efficient and fast, but I need to create a gallery where it contains featured images, title and custom fields in these loops.


  • Hi,

    Dynamic data does not support CPT other than the ones already available in Betheme or ones made with ACF.

    You can learn more about the Query Loops on the following video tutorials:

    Best regards

  • Excellent video. However, from what I understand, we are limited to putting everything together within posts, which would not be ideal, or using these fixed categories without being able to even rename or translate them for our final client.

    Wouldn't that be very relevant? They could charge a plugin separately, there are themes with the same problem but it was solved with a plugin.

    I can develop a plugin, but I needed to understand a little bit of how it works behind the scenes. I couldn't find any documentation about how to implement such a function.

    Thank you

  • I quite do not understand. Can you explain greater what you mean by "fixed categories" or renaming?

    Can you give an example of how it should look and work, please?

    Also, we do not write documentation or articles regarding Betheme functions, and if you want to write/modify something, you need to check the files.

    Best regards

  • I would like to create custom sections, within the Admin, for that we use CPT in general, when we create these CPT and add custom Tags or categories in these custom CPT's, the loop simply does not load any posts. Are we required to create content within these fixed betheme categories? Can't just take a step by step to include all the content inside the custom CPT? I see on the forum that a lot of people need this.

  • I don't know if I was very clear, I'm talking about a custom taxonomy loop. Create a post through CPT, name it with a specific taxonomy or tag and loop it through bebuilder using the bebuilder blog feature. Currently I realize that there is no way to do this, but I noticed that the category even appears in the builder but does not pull any posts.

  • Hi Phil!

    I just did the fix today:

    function add_custom_post_types($query) {

    if (!is_admin()) {

    $query->set('post_type', array('yourcustomposttype'));

    return $query;



    add_action('pre_get_posts', 'add_custom_post_types');

    Now all custom post type are loading very well, using the beebuilder amazing!

    Very Fast Creating loops right now!

  • Great to see that you found the solution, and thanks for sharing.

    It will surely be helpful for others.

    Best regards

  • Hi Thales, is this script adding your Custom Post Types to the BeBuilder Post Type Dropdown for you or did I misunderstand this? It is not working for me, did you make any other changes? Thanks!

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