Strange effects on mobile device - Adding whitespace to bottom of page & footer missing

edited September 2023 in BeBuilder


I'm in the final stages of a site and started testing. I'm always testing responsiveness with chrome devtools. And everything looked fine there. I then switched to my iPhone and tested there, only to see strange effects on several pages. I attached screenshots as pdfs form my cell phone.

screen 2 & 3 issues: adding whitespace at the bottom that leads to unnecessary vertical scrolling, bg image position is not fixed within the viewport.

screen 1 & 4 issues: complete footer is missing, adding whitespace at the bottom that leads to unnecessary vertical scrolling, bg image position is not fixed within the viewport.

The behaviour I would expect:

  • The background image is fixed (not position but background-attachment CSS property). The background image's position is fixed within the viewport , the content scrolls over it.
  • footer not missing

You can check out the page at:

Thanks for your support!

UPDATE: footer ist not missing, white text on white bg is just not visible. ? I will change bg color, so that at least the links are visible. The adding whitespace issue and background issues remain, though.


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