Can't update WPBakery 7

I have two BeTheme licenses for two websites.

On one, I have wpbakery 6.5 I can see the WPBakery 7.0 update available on this page: wp-admin/admin.php?page=be-plugins

But when I click on update, it looks like it updates but I keep being on 6.5

On the other site, with wpbakery 6.3, i doesn't even allow me to update as if there was no new version available.

Can you help to force this updates? if not, can you at least sent me the zip with the plugin so I can manually update? thank you

Also when I update throught the "Update needed" link, it shows a "License not activated" error which is not correct as I have correctly activated the theme and I see it correctly activated on the theme Dashboard.


  • Hey,

    This could mean your license key is used on multiple domains. Please use the license manager to handle your license keys:

    If you see (on our license manager) that your license key is registered on a single domain, then please disable all of the plugins and deregister that license key (through the BeTheme -> Dashboard).

    After that, get into the license manager once more. If the license key is still claimed - deregister it. If it’s not, register it again on your domain (through the BeTheme -> Dashboard) and try to update your plugins a couple of times (usually, it passes after 2-3 attempts) - remember, all of the plugins have to be disabled.


  • OK, de-activating the plugin did the trick, as the license was correctly set only for one domain (i have two different licences for the two different domains)

    Thank you.

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