structured data items are invalid


Semrush site audit showing "12 structured data items are invalid"

And another thing is it saying "12 outgoing internal links contain nofollow attribute" ( Its in the shop page - Everything is set to follow on rankmath, rankmath saying its an option within the theme settting, ive looked everywhere, couldnt find anything)

And one last thing is this one "107 issues with unminified JavaScript and CSS files" I have no idea what that is, but its effecting my website.

Any fix for this issues ?



  • Hi,

    1) To solve “107 issues with unminified JavaScript and CSS files”, please Apply the recommended settings in Betheme -> Theme Options -> Performance.

    2) Regarding “12 outgoing internal links contain nofollow attribute,” our theme does not add nofollow to links.

    3) "12 structured data items are invalid" - can you explain in more detail what exactly should be changed? The PDF does not explain this. When you provide more information, we will take a look at this.

    Best regards

  • Hi Phil,

    Thanks for the reply. So, regarding Betheme -> Theme Options -> Performance, I have never touched some of those settings, but I did press "Apply recommended settings" and saved them. Unfortunately, it seems that it hasn't fixed the issue. Still shows “107 issues with unminified JavaScript and CSS files”.

    About the 12 outgoing internal links, I swear I have no idea how to fix this. I've tried every possible setting to "follow," but it still appears to be set to "nofollow" on shop and product pages. Take a look at the image I've attached; it seems to only be set on the WooCommerce products/ pages. I've also looked into WooCommerce settings, but there doesn't seem to be any option to change that. Is there really no fix for this?

    As for the 12 structured data items that are invalid, I honestly have no idea what that means. I tried to Google it, and some YouTube tutorials suggested downloading a plugin, but I know for a fact that adding more plugins can affect other functionalities and potentially cause issues. I'd rather avoid that, to be honest. I've attached an image from SEMrush; maybe it will help you understand what these issues are.

    Thanks again for your help, I rlly appreciate you.

  • And one more thing driven me crazy Phil. Can you please have a look at this:

    (Ideal betting strategies for a complete beginner - 100PercentWinningTips 404)

    I cannot find this image (software2.svg) to delete or add another image on its place. Its also seem to be located on the blog/ article pages.

  • 1) Some of the minifying files might come from the plugins on which we do not have influence. Some plugins have a built-in option to enable minified versions of the files, but mostly, you have to use an external optimization plugin to minify them.

    2) Please switch to another theme, like Twenty Twenty, and see if the same thing happens with it.

    When you do that, please let me know about the results.

    3) Unfortunately, this PDF does not say much to us, so unfortunately, we cannot refer to that and provide an appropriate solution.

    4) Please go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Global -> Logo, put your logo there, and check if the an error with software2.svg still appears.


  • Alright, I'll explore alternative solutions for the issue. Thanks nonetheless!

    Regarding the dropdown menu for the 'About Us' section in the Software2 theme:

    Google is reporting an issue where it cannot crawl the links. I'm working on SEO optimization for the site, but it appears that Google might not be detecting a direct link in the HTML code within the dropdown menu. This could be the reason it's considering the link as non-crawlable. Have a look at the image attached please.

    Can we consider adding some custom CSS, or maybe opt for using more semantic HTML elements like <ul> and <li> ?



  • I will report this to the dev team, and we will take a look at what can be done regarding this.

    Best regards

  • Thank you very much, I'm looking forward to the updates!

  • I consulted it with the dev team, and they told me it is because the "About us" menu item does not have a link assigned to it.

    If you add a link to this menu item, the PageSpeed warning will be gone.

    Best regards

  • Thank you for getting back to me Phil. What I was actually trying to avoid was putting a link in the 'About Us' menu. This is because it's a dropdown menu for other subpages, so there's no need to include a link to it. This issue also occurs in other places, as shown in the pictures.

    Google suggests that the small dots are crawlable links, but I don't think I need to add a link to them, as they are just slideshows. It's a minor issue that simply needs to be re-coded, so it's something I'll naturally have to live with for now.



  • 1) This is how WordPress manages the menus, so we do not have much influence on that.

    2) I have passed this to the dev team, and we will correct the code of the pagination dots.

    Best regards

  • 1) For anyone else facing this kind of issue, just toss a '#' into the menu item's URL, and you're good to roll

    2)Thanks Phil, looking forward to the updates! (Ps. the html element is <a>)

  • Hi Phil, just wanted to see how far are way from doing the pagination crawable, for better seo ?

  • No eta yet for this one.

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