Odd graphic under revslider preventing home page editing

when doing live editing this graphic appears when clicking on it you get strange code on the page and if you update, the page is useless. This graphic seems to vanish if I change the page to have no slider. SO. Everything is updated to current versions on the site. Would love some help here.


  • Hello,

    Please turn off all of the plugins except the one you use for sliders, refresh your cache, and check if the problem persists.

    Moreover, if you use a child theme, switch to parent and recheck it.


  • Hi again. I actully tried disabling plugins (all but revslider) and I have verified that I am not using a child theme. I have over 20 Betheme licenses and I've never seen this happen. I've cleared the cache and even tried with a different browser other than Chrome.

  • Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact, and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • I have reassigned the slider, and now BeBuilder seems o work properly.

    Please check that.

    Best regards

  • What you did was remove all the page content. When I bring back the content from the history the problem comes back. Please don't remove all the content that is on that page. I didn't put it there and thus I cannot restore it without going to the page history and restoring an earlier version. There has to be something with the element below the slider that is causing an issue. But I cannot find it. The problem has returned however.

  • I did not touch your content, unassigned the Slider, and assigned it again.

    I noticed an HTML error on your home page but could not locate the root cause of it. There might be some unclosed HTML tag on that page, messing everything in BeBuilder.

    I discovered it is unrelated to Slider Revolution because I deactivated it through the page admin panel, and BeBuilder still did not load correctly.

    You must send another private message with FTP access because we need to investigate more deeply.

    Best regards

  • I've provided the information. But what I have done is re-create the entire page. I'll place this on hold and see if that solves the problem.

  • Alright then, I am waiting for your response regarding this.

    Best regards

  • After rebuilding the page, removing the old home page and assigning the new one as the home page. the problem returns. It's for certain a bebuilder issue. Can you please have a good look to see what is causing this.

  • edited October 2023

    I'm going to restore to last nights backup and clone the page so that I have a copy of it before making one the home page again.

    Here is the proceedure to duplicate this problem.

    I created a new page called "NEW HOME" I deleted the old home page and emptied the trash.

    The new page I created I also cloned so I would have a backup copy (in the all pages listing there's a plugin to clone the page) I called it NEW HOME (SAFETY COPY)

    This new page I am able to edit just fine no issues at all. Until I go into wordpress and assign it as the main home page then that graphic appears and I'm unable to edit the page in bebuilder.

    I am working all day but on my website "Muskokagraphics.com" there's a chat feature. Heppy to screen share to show the process if needed. I need to get this solved.


  • I tried to log in with your FTP credentials, but they did not work.

    Are you sure that they are correct?

    Best regards

  • Can you chat me at my website when you get this. Yes the credentials are working for me. and I am also using Filezilla.

  • Sorry, but I do not get to what chat you refer to.

    Can you explain that, please?


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