Pre-Built Installation Succeeds But No Website

I installed the "Doctor" pre-built website and this is all I get when I "visit site". I also tried the default website in case there was an issue with this one. Same result.


  • Hi,

    Please deactivate all of the plugins and try to install the demo then. I can see that you have some cache enabled if it should be deactivated as well.

    If this does not help, please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • I deactivated all plugins and the cache as advised above. I retried the pre-built website installation and the results were the same. I did note that the download content portion of the installation went quicker than it probably should have.

    I located the contact form on the site you referenced. Can you please provide additional information on how I should provide the dashboard and FTP access?

    Thank you,


  • In this contact form, you should place the information as:

    • link to this forum discussion
    • link to your website
    • WP login credentials
    • FTP login credentials

    Best regards

  • Just sent the info....



  • I received your private message, but the WP user you sent credentials to, does not have admin rights. Also, the FTP access leads to an empty catalog. Please correct that.


  • I have corrected the WP account to have admin rights.

    Regarding FTP......with this being a new account, is the catalog being empty abnormal?

  • Just sent a private message with the thread link and new FTP credentials.

  • Yes, an empty catalog is not helpful because we cannot access WP or Betheme files.

    I received your other message, but unfortunately, you did not attach a password to this new account, so I could not log in.

    Please send another message with complete data.


  • I apologize for that. I sent a new private message with the thread and the account info. I worked with my webhosting and corrected the account I created for you. It should now be targeted to the proper path.

  • edited November 2023

    Sent a second message as there was a problem with the credentials. I verified that I was able to connect to the FTP through FileZilla.

    1) Open FileZilla 2) At the top left of FileZilla, select File > Site Manager >new site 3) Within the site manager, enter in the following: 4)Select protocol FTP>> encryption Select “Only Use Plain FTP (insecure)”.

  • Sorry, but I have not received any message from you yet.

    Are you sure that you attached all the required information (link to forum discussion, WP dashboard access, FTP access)?

    Best regards

  • I have sent another message. I assumed that since I sent the WP access previously, you didn't need that part again.

  • Still did not receive anything from the person who manages the mailbox.

    Did you get any response from us?

    Are you sure that you attached all the information?

    Best regards

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