Website performance



  • @erkintazh What you must to do is open below files:

    Copy content from those links and paste it into style.css file. That's it!
  • edited October 2015
    oops deleted 

    can you delete links of my site?
  • @erkintazh Now you are copying right stuff but you still have PHP in your .css file. We saw it when move started. This is CSS FILE, not PHP, so you should have only CSS content inside. Please clear this file completely and add copy only content from 2 places as you showed on video. Also please clear CACHE and after that turn it off because as we see you don't know how this plugins works. You can activate this plugin when your website will be finished.
  • Since this Theme is awesome, and Muffingroup is doing a great job, I think that my little knowledge may help on point 1 and 2:

    1: to add expire headers means to set the expiration time for static content, such as css, jpeg etc.
    I prefer doing that straight from the .htaccess file, but you can let a pulgin such as W3 Total Cache or a specific one like WP Far future expiration .
    2: there are several ways to do that, in your case start reducing the number or requests for the homepage using sprites, a single image with multiple buttons (I think for certificaltes section, sorry but I can't read Kazakh language) and combining javascripts.

    Let us know if you are having improvements!
  • HI all, thanks a lot!

    The problem was that i really know a little )

    and that i was downloading static css file from ftp from website, instead of taking a fresh one from downloaded from themeforest new file (an empty and clean static-css file)

    For people who are new in web, don't make same mistake!

  • @erkintazh Glad to hear that you finally sorted static css :)
  • thanks, sorted it, but now i don't know what is better, couse when i do check in looks like with static css OFF website is faster  8-|

    second i found that betheme and my site having problems and errors when i check in markup walidator service PLS see link of errors in html of betheme homepage
  • edited February 2015
    @erkintazh We do not use validators! First please check what those "kind of errors" says and then verify it with reality. Those validators in our opinion are very stupid and can't recognize real errors from regular tags.
  • ok! Cool!!!  ;)
  • ha ha ha... verify with reality - I like what your saying @muffingroup.
    I've tried many minifying plugins but they all break the website unfortunately. The best way I think to manually combine all those css files is to do it manually within the PHP. This also means that it renders much of Theme Options unusable. Ahhh the trade off between User Friendliness and optimisation.
  • @rarch47 On our demo we use W3Total Cache but we do not use minify because the problem is with WooCommerce. But the theme works itself with this option. But of course, you can combine all those css files as well if you know coding.
  • @muffingroup, perhaps you could 'chalk' this one up to a suggestion box for further updates? Noticed your busy as putting out regular updates. Static css file is good in theory, but it does not seem to be doing much, still so many 'render blocking' external css files. Be good if there was a way to defer them at load time, minify plugins are like shooting a paint gun to paint a wall...
  • @rarch47 So what exactly you recommend? Move all css files into one or what is your suggestion exactly?
  • Hope your not getting upset with me. I can just see a growing trend reflected in optimisation. When people are really trying to get their website to perform better than their competitors - Google places so much emphasis on page speed and passing the mobile test these days.

    I am not the expert here, still a noob - that's why I buy themes from themeforest :)
    Anyway, i strongly dislike PHP so I couldn't see myself doing it much. Front end frameworks with JS? Now you are talking...

    Anyway, yes - if there is a way to combine the JS and/or CSS when the page code (HTML) renders that would be so awesome! (at least the one's that Be Theme injects) I hope Wordpress can bring some native tool to the core architecture in the future. I'm leaving the Woo Commerce externals well alone as that's a compromise I'm willing to put up with for ecommerce.

    I use another CMS called Squiz Matrix and they have asset types that allow me to combine all of my CSS/JSS and reference it into a page design. Squiz though, is a completely different ball game with the complexity and customisation that it can achieve.

    On another one of my websites, I tested out editing the way the wp_enqueue method worked and just manually combined some CSS and JS file calls respectively. It sort of worked except that some plugins really did not like it and did not behave well. Obviously it's not going to work for everything and plugins are really outside the scope of any type of combining and minifying (I think the frond end dev is going to have to figure that out on their own).

    I can see what the purpose of the static css file is but I can still see all the page calls to the CSS. Should that be happening still or do I have to edit the Be theme's PHP?

    I'd also like to see the end of using the @import method on child themes. It's even been updated as a recommendation in the Wordpress codex. It can be done depending on the way a Wordpress theme has been setup. I did not have any luck with the 'Sterling' theme from True Themes before.

    To be honest, what is going to influence my Wordpress purchasing decisions in the future will NOT be how many options and third party plugins come bundled within them (I'm fairly adapt at JS/CSS and can do much of the tweaks without relying on WYSIWYG). I'm going to be more interested in how 'tight' the code is and making fewer calls to the DOM.

    Thank you for your time to read this post. I just want to express my thoughts as one of your customers
  • Add this to your .htaccess file. It will solve the Expires Headers issue for you:
    1. <IfModule mod_expires.c>
      # Enable expirations
      ExpiresActive On
      # Default directive
      ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month"
      # My favicon
      ExpiresByType image/x-icon "access plus 1 year"
      # Images
      ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 month"
      ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1 month"
      ExpiresByType image/jpg "access plus 1 month"
      ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 month"
      # CSS
      ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 1 month"
      # Javascript
      ExpiresByType application/javascript "access plus 1 year"
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