Create a "SALE" condition for the shop page

edited November 2023 in WooCommerce

Hello. First of all congratulations on the topic. It's clean, fast and very practical.

When publishing the store page, like other templates, it is possible to assign conditions (categories and tags).

However, I need to have an option to ONLY show products on sale.

(I use the "Discount Rules for WooCommerce" plugin to manage campaigns/discounts, but I can change it if the solution goes through this.)

So what solution can we find?

Is it possible to automatically place a product when it is on discount in a "sale" category?

Is it possible to create an attribute so that when publishing the page, it can be assimilated to categories, tags, and on sale products?



  • Hi,

    You can create a special page to display products on sale and put there Shop element with Display set to On Sale.

    Best regards

  • Ok, but when I use the sidebar to search for other products on sale, the filtering for on sale products disappears and normal products (without discounts) appear.

    However, when I go to the page I created for on sale products, I should be able to navigate through the sidebar without losing this "on sale" filtering.


    I have another related question.

    Please note that only products that were manually discounted appear on this page for discount.

    Products that are currently on discount with the "Discount Rules for WooCommerce" plugin do not appear.

    My store has thousands of products, and I need to create campaigns with many products in an organized way, so it is not feasible to manually discount them.

    How can I make products that I have discounted using the "Discount Rules for WooCommerce" plugin appear on this page?

  • Did you take this plugin from the official WooCommerce website?

    If not, you should rather contact the plugin author instead.

    Our policy states that we do not support third-party plugins, and we cannot recommend any plugins other than the ones we support (or those officially supported by WooCommerce). You can find the list on this page:


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