Issues with Muffin Builder saving edits

A client came to us with an old version of Betheme (10.3.1). They recently asked us to make some changes to a few pages but everything we try to edit with the Muffin Builder page builder fails to save. We've gone through several support forum posts to increase max_input_vars to 10000, max_input_time to 180 and memory_limit to 1024M but that doesn't solve the issue.

We finally decided to buy a new license (the client isn't working with the previous designer and didn't have access to the license) so we could look into updating the theme. The issue now is after we updated the theme, on a staging site, everything is looking different with the site's design. I assume this is due to the fact that Muffin Builder and BeBuilder aren't compatitble.

The question now is what can we do? The client doesn't want to change the site design nor do they want to invest in our time to update the site with BeBuilder to make it match the current site design. Is there a way to make Muffin Builder work or some way to carry through all of the current site designs/features into BeBuilder?


  • Hi,

    MuffinBuilder and BeBuilder are the same builders, and we only changed its name.

    Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.

    It is always a good idea to also attach a screenshot showing your issue.


  • Phil,

    Thanks for the reply. The site is It works fine but as soon as we try to make an edit using the Muffin Builder, it says the page has been updated but the edits aren't actually saved. I can provide admin access to if you have a secure way of submitting that info.

  • Do you have some staging domain with an updated theme to the newest version?

    I need to check this website with the most current Betheme installed.

    Best regards

  • Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access to both of these domains privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what the reason might be.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • The emails with the Wordpress login and FTP have been sent

  • I have received your message, and as soon as I find anything, I will let you know.

    Best regards

  • What plugin did you use for creating a staging domain? I can see that many theme options settings and some of the WordPress are completely different from those on the main domain.

    If you used a plugin other than Duplicator, can you please use Duplicator and check if the same thing happens when you update Betheme to the newest version please?


  • Our host has an automated Worpress migration plugin that I used. I downloaded Duplicator and have run that and overwritten the staging site. Do you have a doc sheet on the steps to update Betheme? I want to make sure I do everything properly so you can fully test things again if something fails.

  • Thanks. I've removed the old theme and old child theme files from FTP and uploaded the new versions. It's looking better but there are still issues with the columns (everything is appearing in one column vs the two column look) and there is a row in the header with the phone number that is missing. I haven't combed through the site completely yet but wanted to point these out so you could take a look and see what is going on. The FTP/sFTP info I sent earlier should still work but the WP admin will be the same as the current live site since the staging site database was overwritten.

  • Unfortunately, login credentials to the staging domain no longer work. However, I have checked your website with browser developer tools and found that the following CSS code from the child theme caused an improper column layout.

    As you can see, when I commented it out, the layout was correct.

    Also, the header is hidden by this CSS:

    Best regards

  • Phil,

    Thanks for the screenshots. I was able to remove that CSS code for the columns and the missing phone number in the header was actually a result of the Action Bar needing to be activated. That solves those two issues but I've got a few more questions:

    1. The previous developer added some content directly into the footer.php file (for the copyright, terms, sitemap link and their logo/link. What would be the best approach to replicate this?
    2. All of the post pages are blank. See for example. How do we solve this?

    The WP admin for the staging site should be the exact same user/pw that you have for the live site.

  • 1) I do not know what modifications were made in that file and what they were for, but I suggest using the Footer Builder. You can check it on the following video tutorial:

    2) Can you resend login credentials to the staging domain, please? I wanted to check it through the dashboard.

    Remember to attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Best regards

    1. Thanks, I'll take a look at the Footer builder.
    2. I've sent the login credentials.
  • It is again something related to the child theme.

    When I deactivated it, this post loaded correctly.

    Best regards

  • Interesting. Okay, I'll have to dive into that child theme and see what is going on. I didn't think it was related to that because when I looked at the source code none of the content was there. I guess there's a function or something causing that.

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