SVG Image now not appearing on page (can't add - or view them on page after update)

Hi. in reference specifically to and its respective ID (language) page, and basically any other page I try to add new svg images to an 'Image Element'.

It was perfectly fine earlier this morning , until I updated the theme this morning, now, I can't add SVG images to the page (as I said, so far I think the culprit is 'image element', I haven't checked all other image elements)

  1. I can upload svg to 'media library' no worries
  2. The same client page svg images appear in the clients slider in the footer on the other pages, so the slider is not the problem
  3. I noticed the svg 'will' appear if I use a 'zoom box', and also as a 'Background image'... again as mentioned, I haven't checked all other image elements
  4. The website logo also appears as it too is an svg...
  5. the two BPOM and Halal logos appear since I used html
  6. This really is the worst timing, I was literally just about to hand this over to the client as they have approved it.

Your help would be much appreciated


  • Hey,

    Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you are sending is complete and correct.

    Before we receive your message, please try the following CSS code as a workaround:

    .svg .image_wrapper img{
     width: 400px!important;

    Put it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.


  • HI, I sent the details.

    Thanks Phil.

  • I received your dashboard, but it did not have a theme editor enabled, so I could not correct files in Betheme.

    However, we will soon release an update that fixes it. When it will be out, please update Betheme, and let me know if everything works without the CSS we provided.

    Best regards

  • Hmm, not sure what you mean? I usually Click 'Edit With BeBuilder' as shown in the image.

    As for the update, thanks, hope the update works.

    I just discovered another issue, but I might add as a new Discussion.

    Basically in BeBuilder, on 'About us' page, the section under the 'timeline element' (btw the english version, I can edit all content on the page, also when I click 'navigator' I see all sections) but when I 'duplicate', or 'export' the page, and 'import' it into a new empty page, at first, I can edit the content, but when I save it.. and then try to re-edit the page in BeBuilder, I can't select any of the content under the timeline, and the sections under the timeline don't appear in the Navigator??

    Again this is kind of disastrous. Any ideas?

    This image is the english version. As you can see many sections.. the 7th being the timeline.

    As of 5 minutes ago.. now the ID version (called Tentang kami) won't load the betheme editor?

    Luckily I made a draft copy page earlier called BeBuilder #698, it seems for now, able to open the bebuilder, there you can see how it's not displaying the other sections as shown on the english version.

    what's unusual, and different, is I noticed 'Add section' appears on the page after saving the page.

    I mean, short of me redoing the whole page from scratch.. this is kind of freaking me out.


  • 1) By theme editor, I mean this:

    You have it blocked.

    2) I have copied the content from About us page to a new page (BeSupport test page), and found that last timeline entry have <ul> tag closing doubled.

    It is causing this issue.

    Best regards

  • 1) By theme editor:

    Oh, I did not know that. Any idea on how to deal with that? unblock it?

    2) I will have a look tomorrow thanks.

    So that fixed he 'add section' and the ability to edit and save the page?

  • 1) No worries. The upcoming update will correct the problem with SVGs.

    2) Yes, that will correct that.

    Best regards

  • Ok so I deleted the <ul> tag closing doubled.

    Now I have discovered another problem.

    Say for example, when I finalize the Tentang Kami page, and Update it, it will work, and I can re open it in bebuilder.

    But when I try to open About us in bebuilder (Tentang Kami EN page) the layout is all messed up. Like I can't even click on the element to edit it.

    I had to roll back to a previous version of that page and Update it. And the About us page worked... And I could open it i bebuilder..

    But .. when I try to open 'Tentang Kami', it gets messed up again, just like the About us page when it was messed up.

    If I view the actual website, both respective pages are ok, unless I press update if I opened the broken page. it will update as broken. Obviously i can't pass this to the client...

    Do you know what is happening? I have never had this problem. Like why would it affect the other page? Very frustrating.

    As far as I can tell.. too scared to check every other page, but it seems to only be the About us/Tentang kami pages that are affected by this situation, which makes me wonder is it the timeline causing the problems?

  • BTW, I updated Betheme, and removed the CSS you passed me for the client logo page, and it seems to work thanks for that, much appreciated.

    So now just one more thing... Hopefully we can solve the About us/Tentang kami situation.

    To summarize the issue if it was not really clear.

    • I Deleted <ul> tag closing doubled, which initially caused the previous issue on the ID page, that could not edit content below the timeline.
    • After fixing that, discovered a new problem.
    • When finalizing and updating the "Tentang Kami" page, it works and can be reopened and it is editable in BeBuilder.
    • However, attempting to open the "About Us" (Tentang Kami EN) page in BeBuilder, it shows up as a messed-up layout, making it impossible to edit elements.
    • I Rolled back to a previous version of the "About Us" page and updated it, making it able to load and edit in BeBuilder and to appear correctly when the page is viewed
    • But... when I open the "Tentang Kami" page again (having previously fixed it) it results in a similar case, like the initially broken "About Us" page, where the layout is messed, and uneditable??
    • Viewing the actual website shows both pages are okay, unless I make the mistake of updating the broken page, causing it to update as broken when viewed live.
    • I am concerned that this problem may be related to the 'timeline element', as this issue seems to only affect the "About Us" and "Tentang Kami" pages
    • Frustration and worrisome since as I said, the client is waiting.

    Really hope you can see what the problem is.

    fyi - I tried to add define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true ); to the wp_config file, and it didn't do anything in reveal the theme editor. Perhaps if I pass the cpanel details privately through the contact form?


  • Can you check that page now?

    I restored the revision and removed unwanted </ul>, and everything seems to work fine.

    Best regards

  • ok I saw you restored the 'About Us' page, it can load the BeBuilder.

    But when I check the ID version called (Tentang Kami page) - I still can't edit the content as shown in the last picture I attatched.

    So, to check. I just now restored a previous version of the 'Tentang Kami' page.. pressed 'update', and now it messes up the 'About Us' page you just restored?

    I don't get what the problem is. I have no problems with any other page but this.

    So to illustrate, this picture is your restored version.

    After I restore and update the 'Tentang kami' page, the 'About us' page now looks like - as shown below.

    You can also see I have selected the 'Heading element', and the options panel is empty.

    So as I mentioned in the previous message, as an example, if you fix and update - About Us (EN page)... the (ID page) gets messed up, and vice versa.

  • Please remove the translation of this page, translate it again, and check if the problem persists.

    Best regards

  • ok..

    Pretty sure I deleted one of the translated pages during a test exploration to see what would happen...

    I then duplicated the (EN) English page, changed the text to Indonesian (ID). and then assigned the page to ID. And it still messed up...

    Will try again with a completely fresh empty page.

    If it still messes up, please take a look into the timeline element, because as I said, it's the only page that messes up. What's more it was fine until I updated the theme the other day.


  • Ok.. so I tried to create a 'new' blank page.. with random elements.. I published it.

    I then assigned this 'new' page to ID language, and then opened the EN About us page and assigned the new ID page to it.

    It resulted in messing up the other page when I opened it in bebuilder. As expected.

    I also noticed when I go to restore the the original EN About us page, it only had restores that use the same layout as the 'new' ID page layout ?? It's as if it somehow thinks the EN about us page is now using the layout of the 'new' page?

    Long story short i've screwed it up to the point I can no longer restore the original 'About us' english version... which means I have to do it all over again.

    My point as I have mentioned is I think it must the 'timeline' creating some kind of conflict. As I also said, it was working perfectly fine until the update in that I could edit both language versions if the page with no problem whatsoever. SO I guess if we can't solve this. I need to consider trying to convince the client... I need to come up with an alternative to 'not' use the 'timeline' element.. which will make me look pretty unprofessional. But yep.. not much I can do about it.

    So far I have not touched the BeSupport test page - that at least is the last ID version of the final layout, so I can use that as as a guide. So please don't edit that, if you must, duplicate it thanks.

    I will try and create a new about us.. without the timeline and create an ID version once more and hope it works. that will at least confirm its the timeline.

  • Luckily I found a export script of the EN about us page, I saved it.

    So, maybe I can ask your help to test it by duplicating that EN About us page, assign the duplicate to ID and assign it to associate with the EN version, and see what happens. Most likely you will see it will mess up the other page when you try opening it into bebuilder.

    thanks for your patience.

  • Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • Hi, I noticed you guys worked on the problem, but haven't heard from you yet.

    Any luck figuring out the problem?

    Unfortunately my client is asking when they can get the handover, since when they approved it a week or so ago (when it was working just fine) they were kind of expecting it last week.

    Sorry for the hassle.. Basically if we can't fix it.. I need to negotiate and figure out how to redesign that page, without using the timeline (assuming that is the problem).


  • Our support team have replied on your private message on 19th of January with further details so please check your spam/junk boxes if you don't have it in inbox.

  • Ok thanks.

    Hmm tragic, seems the same problem occurred, not sure if the reply I sent via the email will be sent quick enough... so I pasted it here too.

    SO I renamed the pages you edited back to 'About us' (EN), and 'Tentang Kami' (ID).

    After re-inserting the Indonesian text into the tentang kami ID page (about us ID page), I pressed update, it looked fine in the browser, even the footer was correct, there was no thick separator line between the page content and the footer. Yay I thought.

    I then clicked 'EN' to view the About us english version... and noticed the EN footer separator was still thick, and for some reason, still using the ID footer?

    so, I opened up the ID page first, assigned the ID footer to that page, to make sure it was using the right footerr, it seemed fine when viewed, the separator was thin when I viewed it in the browser, but, still the EN about us page footer still had the thick line, so.. I then opened up the EN 'about us' page to assign the EN footer to it.

    As I went to assign the EN footer to the EN about us page.. I noticed the footer was already showing that the 'ID footer' was selected??

    so I changed it to the EN footer.. thinking that would solve the problem... I then pressed update... 

    When I went to view the About us EN page in the browser, it's now displaying the entire ID tentang kami content across the whole page, not just the footer !! - as if it thinks it's the ID about us - tentang-kami page?? even after refreshing the page, viewing it on other devices, still shows Indonesian language on the EN page..!

    so I rolled the about us EN page back to your version you created, back to English... cool it works , the english text is back..!

    But now... if I open the ID tentang kami page in bebuilder, it's all messed up again... bringing us back to the original problem we had in the beginning... ??

    Please advise?

    I think if can't fix it properly by tomorrow. I need to consider an alternative...

  • Just to go over it once more...

    Here are the 'exact steps'.. please test it, so you know what I am talkign about.

    So firstly. I duplicated the pages you worked on the other day, and set them to draft. so I don't damage them.

    So after today's repeat problem. I went back, and copied the export code from the pages you worked on, and pasted them into the current About us EN page, and the Tentang kami ID page.

    1st step.. I assigned the corresponding Footer. ie 'Global_Footer_ID' to the tentang kami page, ,as you can see it was showing the EN version for some reason in the preview window.

    When I 'update' the page looks good, cool!! the ID footer is appearing... and

    the separator between the client slider and the footer content is thin. perfect!

    I then pressed refresh in the Tentang kami bebuilder page, and everything looks good.

    The Global_Footer_ID is still showing in the Custom footer Template panel as shown.

    What's more, in the preview window, the footer is showing the ID footer version.. so far all good!

    Now, when I open up the 'about us' EN page, (even though I just imported the code from your edited page (about-us-muffin-en/) a few minutes earlier... it now looks like this (after updating the Tentang kami page).

    Nothing can be edited... I can't select anything. Even the navigator shows nothing...

    I then re-import the code again from the working page you created. and let's see what happens.

    Again, I will also assign the Footer to Global_Footer_EN and press Update.

    ok... so the page loads, and the footer is loading the EN footer, cool.. but the separator line is thick. Unlike the other pages.

    So ... let's see what happens when I open the tentang Kami ID page into the bebuilder and see what happens.

    As predicted.. the page is messed up, just like it messed up the EN version after I pressed update...

    So.. it seems if my deduction is correct.. it gets messed up if I set the associated Footer for either the EN or ID to the page..

    And as mentioned earlier in the last message, after I edited all the text to Indonesian, somehow.. the english page became Indonesian... No idea what that is about.

    Starting to get pretty stressed about it.. if you can't figure it out.. please tell me, so I will just have to bite the bullet and redesign the page somehow. At first I thought it was because of the timeline.. please advise.

  • edited January 23

    ok I really have no idea what is going on.

    It seems the problem is possibly the footer?.. and maybe the timeline? - I think. Hard to say.

    So over the last couple of hours...

    • I tried to start a new page called and without using a 'timeline element'...
    • I also deleted the 'staff section' just to see if that could have been the problem.
    • When I press update.. I didn't get the 'messed up' page issue as describe in previous posts
    • I also didn't get the 'messed up' issue when I assigned a translated footer template as described in the previous posts.
    • it seems to open the other translated page in bebuilder.. without the messed up issue.
    • Although, I noticed the line separator in the footer was thick as seen on the current page. And I think it was earlier, loading the wrong footer.. regardless of what I did to set the right footer.

    • I then tried deactivating polylang
    • and then assigned the translated template footer in the default wordpress editor in the ab-en and ab-id pages
    • and then turned polylang back on, (it seems to work now, no thick line, and it loads the correct footer).
    • I can also edit both pages when I open using the bebuilder. So seems that works.. I also tested this once more on two new empty pages... called and seems to work fine. and they can both be opened in bebuilder without any messed up issue.. to be fair they are empty of content. so as far as I can tell. no obvious issues.

    • As for the pages I actually need to work - and
    • It doesn't matter what I do, one or the other pages always gets messed up after I assign a language associated footer,
    • even if I turn off polylang and try assign the footer in the default wordpress editor page.
    • It also sometimes replaces the whole page with the other language or totally breaks the page content in bebuilder.
    • Freakin me out...

    • And now... to top it off, I just now noticed on the '' page is showing an issue, displaying the thick separator line as I have mentioned.
    • I am now too stressed to even explore the '' page in bebuilder for now.. since might screw it all up like the About us / tentang kami page has.

    • i also just noticed for some reason, out of nowhere, the english footer will suddenly start loading the indonesian footer version... on english pages
    • so I open up the english footer in the bebuilder.. and it's content is thankfully still in english.. so i was able to press update. and it seems to fix the problem.. for now.

    Please.. help.

    • I guess last option is I will try and add the footer manually to a test page... and not assign a footer template for the footer.

    and then see what happens.

    This is pretty much the worst scenario for my company...

    Clients freaking out. Since everything was 'fully' working fine a couple weeks ago with no problem, before the last major theme update.

  • Hope the notes help guide you to narrow it down.

    Thanks again.

  • BeBuilder saves data in standard WordPress fields named ‘post meta’. In default settings, these are independent for each language.

    However, the ‘Synchronisation’ option in Polylang Settings was activated on your site. 

    This option causes the ‘post meta’ fields to be copied for each language and are saved for both pages from the last one updated.

    I have turned off this option, and everything works correctly. I tested this for the following pages, which I saved multiple times, and the BeBuilder content is correct and unique for each language. The footer is also assigned correctly.

  • Hi Albert thanks for your help.

    Is that why it would sometimes mess up the other translated page, and seemingly turn the English page content into Indonesian and so on? and also make the other page uneditable when I selected the chosen footer and pressed 'update' ?

    Hopefully what you have done fixes all that stressful nightmare. I will need to test it.

    With that in mind, what can I do to fix the eng 'About us' and the id 'Tentang kami' pages? seems the Tentand kami page is broken.. should I check the history of that page and set to a previous version that is editable... and 'update'? should I leave the footer to default? Anyway I will test it soon..

    btw I noticed your 'english' page you created called 'aaa Muffin EN' still loads the 'Indonesian' footer, not the english footer?

    As you can see the bebuilder says it is using the default footer. which should load the english footer by default ?


    Can you see why the separator line is thick on some pages, specifically 'Services'. and it's associated translated page?

    also on about us and tentang kami page

    thick line:

    thin line: as seen on most other pages

    I noticed if in the previous tests, if I set both pages to use their specified language footer, it would not have the thick line..

    but when i check some pages where it is thin, I open in bebuilder.. the footer is set to default. so not sure what's the deal is.

    Thanks again for your help.

  • Yes, it was this option that caused problems on other pages. Unfortunately, I can’t guarantee this, as a plugin setting caused the problem. Although we try to test as many plugins as possible, we unfortunately don’t know all their options, especially since new ones appear after testing the plugin.

    You can now test changes on the About page and others. However, remember that it’s always good to have a backup.

    The pages you tested recently are:

    The settings are correct on these pages, and both the content and the footer template are assigned correctly, even after saving in another language.

    The line is thick on some pages due to CSS added in the CSS field of the page or template:

  • Hi Albert,

    The Footer is the same for both these pages, in that they both seem to use the ID version of the footer?

    Unless the EN footer is messed up, displaying the ID content... will check

    As for the css, will check


  • Hi Albert, Phil and team...

    Just want to say thank you so much... and really appreciate your patience.

    I tried to explain the situation as best I could, and you guys delivered. You rock!

    For anyone else who might be interested.

    I also changed the CSS to:

    /* Edit Staff Underline Thickness  */

    .team .desc_wrapper hr {

    height: 3px


    btw, seems the bebuilder loads a lot faster today?

  • Sorry one more thing.

    On an unrelated topic, seems on the footer the links are bold.

    Whereas on the other pages they are not.

    • I deleted all css in the betheme options css section to see if it changed anything, no change.
    • And there is no css on the home page?

    Any ideas on that?

    Thanks again

  • BeBuilder performance since version 27 have been significantly improved :) This have been explained in details on

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