WPML - Content in BeBuilder not showing up for translation

I have a problem using WPML with the BeBuilder. All the content created with BeBuilder doesn't show up in WPML for translation.

I don't have any issues for any Blog posts because they were created with the default WordPress Editor. However, all the pages that have been created using the BeBuilder are not showing up for translation. The only thing that is showing up, is the title.

For example for this page: https://malad.ca/services/ . All the content has been created in BeBuilder and nothing shows up for translation and nothing has been translated. When I try to edit it, only the title of the page shows up in the WPML editor.

The content isn't found in the string translations either.

What is causing this issue?

Thank you very much!

PS: As read from previous messages, I will send right away the WordPress Dashboard access privately through the contact form at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact.

I will also add a link to this forum discussion.


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