Price item content align

I gave the columns equal length vertically. But how do I ensure that the content is also aligned? Such as the subtitle, list and the button.


  • Hi,

    each element should be put into separate WRAP and you have to set Stretch for Wraps vertical spacing.

  • edited April 15

    Hi Albert, thanks for your response!

    I use this as a global section and have placed the three pricing items in a separate wrap. Due to the dotted line, this seems to be the correct setting, but when I view the page, this is not adopted and the content is not aligned.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • edited April 15


    I'm sorry, I misunderstood your question. Your original solution of placing 3 Pricing elements in one wrap was correct. However, there is no option to align the content of these elements, only the height of the elements themselves.

    However, for the current solution with 3 wraps, you can paste the following code into the Custom CSS field in Theme Options.

    .column_pricing_item {
     display: flex;
     height: 100%;
    .pricing-box {
     display: flex;
     flex-direction: column;
     height: 100%;
    .pricing-box .plan-inside {
     flex-grow: 1;

    Best regards,

    Muffin Group team

  • It functions. Thank you. This is also a good solution.

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