Multiple setting questions (Scroll to top button, testimonials auto scroll, auto highlight text colo

edited April 30 in Theme Options


I'm pretty sure all of these are possible, but I can't find the answer to them anywhere.

  1. Heading colour highlight text automatically

I'm pretty sure the headings were auto highlighted with different colours when I uploaded the demo site. I think it was a setting in the theme options, but I can't find it again. When I updated the text of the headings to make my site, the auto highlighted text disappeared. Does anyone know where that setting is?

  1. Scroll to top arrow visible

I'd like to activate an arrow on the side of my site that is a scroll to top button that hovers as you scroll. Is this possible?

  1. Testimonials auto scroll through

I'd like my testimonials to auto scroll through the different testimonials rather than website visitors having to select to scroll through them. Is this possible?



  • Hi,

    1) Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.

    It is always a good idea to also attach a screenshot showing what you refer to.

    2) Go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Footer, and there you can set Back to top button.

    3) Go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Global -> Sliders, and set time for slide change.


  • Thank you!

    1) Apologies. It is

    Text used to have different highlight colour in the headings. I thought it was a setting but I can't find it again. Any clues? It is now just the one same colour.

    2) Thanks. I checked that setting, but it is greyed out because I use a template footer. Is there a way to use the 'back to top' option with a footer template?

    3) Thank you! That worked.

    Really appreciate your support!

  • 1) Sorry but I still do not understand to what highlight you refer to. Can you excribe it greater, please?

    2) You can add button, icon box, or any other element with anchor link to #Wrapper.

    Best regards

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