How can I change the alignment of the submenu?


we from MULTIVAC are using Betheme in WordPress to create an internal CI-Portal for our colleagues and daughter companys.

For this we have got some questions about the Betheme mega menu.

At the moment we have a normal main menu with a submenu in which we load a mega menu.

Main menu:

Sub menu:

Mega menu:

Unfortunately, we are not happy with the alignment of the menu but we don’t find a way to fix this problem. We want to create a very similar menu structure to the MULTIVAC Corporate Website menu (no WordPress site), what means, that the sub menu of our wordpress site should open left with 100% width and the mega menu should open next to the sub menu after a klick.

 Very similar to the menu structure of our corporate Website:

Our Wordpress site:

Our Corporate Website (no Wordpress)

Have you any ideas to help me with this problem?


Thank you very much for your support!

Kind regards,



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