Responsive mode not working?

I am building a Coming Soon 1 page with 1 wrap only and customized it ok for Desktop. When I change to Tablet view according to this guide and adjust the size of the text in the Text column element from Heading 4 to Heading 5, the Heading 5 option remains saved and displayed on the Desktop version as well and this is too small for the Desktop/Laptop versions.

Is there something wrong with Responsive editing?


  • Also "Line Hight" and "Size" in Typography section for the Text Column element do not work when in Mobile/Tablet viewing mode. Entering values there does not change anything.

  • Hi,

    If the setting does not have these icon next to it:

    Then it means that the option is shared among all views. If you want to have a different tags on desktop and tablet, then you must create two elements, one for desktop and one for mobile and hide them for appropriate views with Responsive Visibility.

    Best regards

  • There is such option for Tablet/Moblie views as shown on your first screenshot (for the Column Text element). I need to just reduce the text size for Tablet view. So I am editing Column Text options in the Style section (your first screenshot shows the top area of this section). When I scroll down the Style section there is a Typography subsection with a pencil (editing) icon. This subsection (despite being in the Style section) does not has Responsive icons to choose a tablet/mobile view. And when I try to edit "Size" (of the Colum Text element) in the Typography subsection nothing changes.

    Does this mean It's not possible to reduce the text size for Tablet/Mobile in the Typography section?

  • Please send us the WordPress dashboard access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


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  • I have checked your website and typography responsive options works correctly.

    Can you attach screenshot showing what is not working for you, please?

    Best regards

  • The problem was with the upper wrap as shown in your 2nd (from the top) screenshot. It is a wrap containing 3 1/3 size windows, and the left and right windows contain a Text Column element. The Typography and Align options in the Style section do not work for the Text Column text only when the text is set to have a heading H1-6 type. When the text in Text Column is of paragraph (p) type, the Typography and Align works ok. (In your screenshots you use the Heading element, not text Column).

    And also the whole page has this template without header/footer and is set as "Blank page" template. I tried changing Typography and Align options in an imported multi-page site (Energy), and they work ok.

    I managed to deal with it in this Coming Soon specific one-page to center the Text Columns, so am writing in case there can be some info for debugging,

    Best regards

  • Typography in the Column Text element works only with simple text tags such as <p>, <span>, <b>, etc.

    If you put headings in this element, styling will not work because styles from Theme options influence it. That is why we have a Heading element.

    So if you want to style headings directly in BeBuilder differently according to the screen width, use the Heading element.

    Best regards

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