iFrame not showing content
I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Trying to insert a simple iFrame - by using Code element.
But the site only shows the code, not the actual content. I could not find the answer on the support forum...
This is the website:
This is the code:
<iframe width='853' height='480' src='https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=MhgxfbH9NrM' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen allow='xr-spatial-tracking'></iframe>
Thanks for help!
You used the wrong element for that.
Use Plain Text or HTML elements instead.
Best regards
My bad - I did not have the latest version of BeTheme so I couldn't find the HTML and Plain Text elements.
Everything is fine now.
Thank you very much for help!
Happy I could help.
If you have any other questions or problems, feel free to ask.
Best regards