Woocommerce Single Product Page Template Broken - Unless Logged In

I have created a custom woocommerce single product page template using the BeBuilder templates. I didn't realize anything was wrong because I was working on it logged in obviously. When I log out, go to shop, click on a single product to enter it, the site gives a critical error.

I've tried deactivating my plugins, doing a fresh install on another dev site and same thing. If you're building a custom single product page template logged in, it works. If you log out the page breaks. See screenshots.

Using latest version of the theme, latest version of wordpress and woocommerce. Has to be a simple issue fix because it works fine logged in.


  • I've narrowed it down just a tad - gravity forms. Didn't think this would be an issue. Which if I'm logged in still works fine. But if I deactivate gravity forms, it will stop throwing the critical error. But it still does show a white blank page where the product and info should be. So, why is it working when logged in, but not logged out like a normal customer.

  • Hey,

    Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at https://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact and we will check what might be the reason. Also, before sending, please ensure that you do not have any caching tool enabled on your server.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

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    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • Sent a message with the link above you provided with details.

  • Sorry, but we haven't received a message from you yet.

    Please check your mailbox for our response. Look also inside the spam folder.

    If you don't have any message from us, please send your login credentials again.

    Be sure that you send all of the required information mentioned in the previous message.

    • link to this forum discussion
    • link to your website
    • login credentials
    • FTP credentials


  • I received an email this morning from you in regards to your request above yesterday and just replied to it again.

  • The Critical Error shows that not Gravity Forms is the root cause but Woo Google Analytics Integration.

    After I disabled it, the products on your website started to work correctly:

    I suggest contacting the plugin author regarding this issue.

    For now, I left this plugin inactive.

    Best regards

  • Perfect, thank you for your help on that. I am fine leaving it disabled.

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