Problem z powiadomieniem eseta Znaleziona zagrożenie JS/Agent.RSC

Pojawiają mi się komunikaty na stronie związane z zainfekowaną stroną. Problem występuje tylko wtedy jak włączony szablon Betheme. Po zmianie szablonu na inny problem znika. Aktualizowałem szablon przeskanowałem stronę i nic nie znalazłem. Proszę o pomoc w jakim kierunku mam działać aby usunąć problem.

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  • Hi,

    We provide this forum in English only, so please continue with English.

    Can you please attach screenshots showing these messages? I could not notice them on your website.

    Best regards

  • Of course. I thought you were a Polish company and could respond in our native language. So, I'm getting a message about an infected page. The message reads "Threat found JS/Agent.RSC" and I've attached a screenshot. The problem disappears when I change the page template to another one. I've updated your template, scanned the page and server, and found nothing. Please help.

  • We provide this forum in English so people with similar problems can easily find an answer.

    But back to the topic, is there additional info when you click that link in the message?

    It is the first time I have seen such a notification.

    Best regards

  • After clicking on JS/Agent.RSC, it takes you to the eseta website

    the website is clearly infected but I don't know why, only on your template. hmm

    will try to completely remove the template from the server and reinstall it

  • Some malware was injected into your widgets.

    As widgets are assigned to the theme, that is why you received warnings only with Betheme active.

    I suggest reinstalling the whole WordPress, creating a new database for your website, and changing the passwords.

    That is the best that you can do to be sure that no malware is left on your website.

    Best regards

  • Thank you for the tip, I created a new database, cleaned the malicious code and everything seems to be OK. Regards, Robert

  • I am glad I could help.

    If you have any other questions or problems, feel free to ask.

    Best regards

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