Single Post Template Cant be Edited with BeBuilder.

Hello, I have created a template for my single posts. I have it set and it is visible:

But when I hit edit with BeBuilder or add it to a new post, the edit option doesn't work.

What can I do here?

Thank you for your help.



  • Hi,

    In the post edition, you build only post content, so the template is not visible.

    When you open the live post, you will see that the template is there, and it displays the post content if you placed the Post Content element in the template.

    Best regards

  • Hi, I don't get it to be honest.

    So how can I create a single post template so that when I create a new post and select it in the settings on a single post, it can be already pre-filled with all the sections from the template?

    So I can just insert new text and images and publish it?

    I want all the posts to follow the same guide.

    Should I use some dynamic content for it?

    Or how to proceed?

    Thank you,


  • The following demo, for example, uses a post template:

    Let me explain that with screenshots.

    This is post template:

    This is the Post Content element:

    This is the post content:

    This is live post:

    So, as you can see, the post edition does not show a template, only post content.

    All other elements you place in the post template that are not dynamic data, such as Featured images or Titles are the same on all posts.

    I hope it is more clear now.

    Best regards

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