Is it possible to fix the top section of a custom header template?

I selected a pre-built header for a Header template. The header has one top section (with a promo bar) and a main section with site's navigation menu containing the names of pages and a logo. I selected the header to be fixed in the Header Builder. And upon scrolling the top section is not actually fixed and disappears.

While when customizing the header from a pre-built website I enable the action bar at the top of the header and used the Fixed layout for the header (Options: Boxed Sticky Header). I enabled the Sticky Header in Theme Options. In this case both the header and the top action bar were fixed upon scrolling.

Is it possible to achieve the same effect for a custom header template (=to make the top section of the template also be fixed upon scrolling)?


  • Hi,

    Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.

    It is always a good idea to also attach a screenshot showing what you refer to.


  • I made a header template with a pre-built header and customized it like this:

    I made the header fixed in Header Options, but upon scrolling the whole customized header disappears and there's a default header template:

    Is it possible to make the whole header (as in the first screnshot) to be fixed and sticky on all pages?

    With a prebuilt website's header I customized it and need a fixed header with the top action bar also fixed like there (works ok, but I'd like to try the header design from the first screenshot):

    Or is there a way to edit the header from a pre-built website with the Header Builder?


  • Please send us the WordPress dashboard access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


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  • Sent per your request.

    I have created 4 header templates and chose 4 pre-built headers. There is Energy pre-built website imported generally.

    It seems that all customized headers from header templates have the same issue: after making the header fixed. The customized header is displayed only on initial page load, and upon scrolling it dissapears and the default pre-built header is shown.

  • Also note that I sent the logins to the staging site, which is served from a test subdomain of the main domain.

  • I have activated the Fixed position and disabled the sticky header, and it works.

    Please check it out.

    Best regards

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