open popup from button

please, in the popup templates option I indicated:

display trigger on click, and the system say me to copy #mfn-popup-template-90.

but when i write in Advanced - Functional button in front and appear "We cannot find popup with inserted ID"


  • Hello,

    Did you assign this popup condition to the entire site, or did you select this popup in the page options?

    If not, please do that, and check if the problem persists.

    Best regards

  • Same issue, my popup is assign to the entire site and I have still this problem

  • This is my button:

    "[button class="open-mfn-popup" data-mfnpopup="#mfn-popup-template-272" title=" IPOTESI FRAZIONAMENTO" icon="fa-solid fa-table-cells-large" link="" target="" align="" icon="fas fa-divide" color="#b5c460;" font_color="#FFF" size="2"]"

  • Hi @spamconcept,

    Popup templates do not work for shortcodes.

    Please use a regular button element instead.

    Best regards

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