problem with sidebar


We want to create a product category page similar to this website regarding the horizontal subcategory menu (1) and the filters section (2) [attached screenshot in capture1.jpg]:

We have created the section in Templates with the name (Shop page - Category: Bathrobes) and we have configured the page without a sidebar (fullwidth) (

I can't get the subcategories to appear above the products (1). Could it be done with a megamenu? I have tried placing a "sidebar widget" (Our social media) but with no positive result.

For the second problem (2), I have thought about purchasing the plugin:

Would it be possible to place it just below the horizontal menu and before the product list?

And as a third problem (3), the category description does not appear. Attached capture in capture2.jpg



  • Hi,

    1) You can create menu/s with subcategories and indeed put it/them to the mega menu.

    2) We do not support this plugin or know how it works. However, if it has shortcodes it can be placed with a shortcode in the shop template or in a sidebar with widgets, and you can place a sidebar element in the shop template.

    3) But you placed description into your category, right?

    If yes, please send us the WordPress dashboard access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


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  • Hi,

    >>1) You can create menu/s with subcategories and indeed put it/them to the mega menu.

    Yes, I know that I can create megamenus with subcategories.

    What I need is a horizontal menu that shows the subcategories of that main category (without showing the main category, obviously). That way, I will have a horizontal menu on desktop and a responsive menu on mobile.

    In fact, I have created a megamenu called (menu-cat1) but I can't insert it

    >>3) But you placed description into your category, right?

    Yes, we have the description configured.

    We send you credentials privately.

    Thank you

  • The section in question is: Shop archive + Category: Bathrobes

  • When we clicked the widget, we got the following error message:

    The "widget_mfn_woo_attributes" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.

  • 1) Mega menu works only with the Header Builder. For the horizontal menu, create a new menu and add it to the Header template, and for the menu items assign the mega menus you created.

    2) The category description displays correctly so I do not know what you refer to:

    3) The old Be Shop Attributes element had to be replaced with a new one. I have done it for you.

    Best regards

  • >>1) Mega menu works only with the Header Builder. For the horizontal menu, create a new menu and add it to the Header template, and for the menu items assign the mega menus you created.

    This solution does not work for me, since the horizontal menu would be just below the main menu and part, I would have to make as many headers with a secondary horizontal menu for each category.

    Wouldn't there be a way to show the subcategories of each product section without using sidebars and also be able to add a filter in ajax?

    Something like this?

    >>2) The category description displays correctly so I do not know what you refer to


    >>3) The old Be Shop Attributes element had to be replaced with a new one. I have done it for you.


  • 1) Unfortunately, there is no way to achieve that, as you describe, especially with the AJAX filtering. You would have to use an external plugin for that, but I cannot recommend any other plugins than the ones we support:

    Best regards

  • Wow, what a disappointment with the template.

    I'm afraid this will be my last purchase with you :(

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