All of my Custom JS and CSS is gone from theme options and I can't save anything now

We had custom JS and CSS in our BeTheme options and I made a quick change, saved it, and now it's all gone and I can't save any new css or anything. Please help!!! Our site is live and everything looks way off!


  • I have a backup of all of our custom JS and CSS but I can't save the options at all. It just resets to a blank page.

  • Hey,

    Please send us your custom CSS and JS, the WordPress dashboard, and FTP access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


    PS. Please do not create duplicate comments about the same matter.

  • @Phil Our owner's email address is the one registered there and I would like to handle this on my own without having to go between emails. Is there a way to contact that email with a separate email than the one listed on envato. It is grayed out and I am unable to change it. I figured out a solution but would still like to speak with someone.

    It turns out that the max_input_vars value was automatically changed in our php.ini file and after speaking to our host they said it looks like BeTheme automatically changed it at some point and I would like to figure out how to avoid an issue like that in the future.

  • No, there is no other way to contact us through mail.

    What your host told you is not valid.

    Max input vars is a value controlled by your server, and the theme does not have an influence on that.

    You can even check that in the System status:

    Best regards

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