Help to filter products in bulk shop product by category

I need help filtering products by category

For example:

I have a parent category called "medicine"

and two child categories, one called "oral" and the other "injectables"

What I would like to achieve is to be able to show in the "shop products" block a catalog that shows only the products in the PARENT category and also show the products in the ORAL and INJECTABLE categories in order

I am attaching some screenshots of the options that BeBuilder gives me and I manage to find one that helps me with the filtering by category.

I thank you in advance for your help


  • Hi,

    I do not want to misunderstand you.

    Do you have any website examples showing what exactly you want to achieve?

    Best regards

  • Hello, thank you for answering. I hope I can make myself better understood.

    I have a product brand that contains, 16 products in total, 5 of them are ORAL and 11 are INJECTABLE. What I would like to achieve is to be able to put them in a section, a header that says ORAL, followed by only the orals, and below that a header that says injectable, followed by the injectable products in that category.

    Currently my products are jumbled and out of order, you can see some oral products, some injectable products and again some oral products.

  • Instead of the Shop Products element, you can use the Shop element in which you can select what category you want to display:

    However, please note that no shop filters from the template will work on this element.

    Best regards

  • Excellent solution, thank you, it will be very useful.

    One more question, I see in the image you sent that it is only visible:

    The picture


    I would like it to be shown like you have it, in my case it looks like this:

    I would like to remove the description because it looks messy, some higher than others

    and know if it is possible to place an add to cart button

    Greetings and thanks for your excellent help

  • If you want to have an impact on what is being displayed and what not, you should consider using Query Loop Builder. There is a couple of tutorials on our channel you can watch

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