Classic editor in blog post


I purchased your theme and I have the following problem: I edited a template for a single blog post in the be editor. I use the classic wordpress editor to edit the articles on the site. I can't get used to the editor Guttemberg. To a first article I added some bulleted lists and unfortunately they do not appear after saving the article. I mention that for bulleted lists the HTML code is ok, but it is not visible when I visualize the article. HTML formats do not work with the classic editor.

I want to specify that I work on the site on localhost.

Thank you for help!


  • Hi,

    Thanks for reporting I have passed it on to the dev team, and we will correct that.

    For now, please use the following CSS code:

    .single-post .column_post_content ul{
     list-style: disc inside;

    Put it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.

    Best regards

  • Thank you very much for your help!

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