BeFurniture2 Theme - Featured Category Text & Photo Alignment In Responsive View
I'm using the BeFurniture2 Theme. In responsive view, the text and photo alignment is off in responsive view. I was able to use positioning to move the text somewhat, but the title texts are still inside the photo area. I want the text to be located directly under the photo left aligned, so they can be read properly.
Also, the four photos underneath the main featured product category are not filling the entire area, they are offset to the left. I cannot find where to make the photos fill the entire space.
In desktop view, the images look as expected.
The site I'm working on is
Thank you for your assistance. I've used your themes for years, and this one is a little tricky to me, lol.
Please attach a screenshot showing what you refer to.
The four photos images are right aligned and do not fill out the entire image box, like the top main one. Also, I'm trying to get the text to align left bottom of each image, so it is easily readable.
Thank you,
You must edit this Query Loop and set the Item width to 100% for mobile display.
Best regards
Thank you very much, LM
I went to the home page and the section that contains the featured category and I did not see a style tab to change that setting. I am including a screenshot. Can you please tell me where I can find the query loop section you are showing in your screenshot?
This is actually Wrap Query loop:
Open it, and in the style tab, set up the same setting I showed before.
Best regards