BeFurniture2 Theme - 500 Error Trying To Update Any Template


I am using the BeFurniture2 Theme. This is a new issue. All templates were updating fine. Today I logged in to make a change to the header template and got a 500 Error. The template will not update.

I also tested with the mega-menu templates to see if it was related to the header only. I also get a 500 Error when trying to update any of the templates.

I am running the most recent version of BeTheme The website I'm working on is

I'm attaching 3 screenshots. 1.) The Display Conditions Save Box on the header template reverts back to "Save" and there is a 500 Server Error in the background (you can't see). 2.) Server Error message when trying to update a mega menu template and 3.) System Status screenshot.

Can you please help?

Laura M.


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