Header image - header minimalist space - menu centered with the logo

Hi this is Giosuè.
I'm having a lot of issues understanding how to setup you theme. This is my page http://italyfilmproject.com/?page_id=2680
Simple things like:
A) i want have the page under the menu how can i fix that?
B) i don't want have the menu on the top of the logo, but



  • i also need to take off the banner that says "if you want buy a Betheme options eccc ecc
  • Hi,

    A) Start from removing custom css. Probably you pasted css didn`t now what means and that`s why got this problems now. We recommend to make new installation, import one of our pages that you are interest in and then learn how stuff has been created. More info about that you can read on http://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/14/step-by-step-how-to-re-create-demo-page

    B) Take a look on point A)

    To remove text "If you are interested in ...", please go to Theme options > Layout > General section and remove content from "Footer Call To Action" field.
  • B) solved , thanks!

    A) i haven't added any css and as you can see here http://italyfilmproject.com/ the page goes on the menu, i'm tryng to create the spa homepage but i'm having hard time could you help?
  • edited August 2014
    A) What you should to do is import spa page from BeTheme Demo Data section what you can check on http://themes.muffingroup.com/betheme/documentation/#1-click-demo and then you need to setup this imported page as homepage in Settings > Reading section.
  • Thanks i still can not use the transparent header because otherwise the menu' will on top of the Logo.
    Also video from youtube won't work with parallax as you can see in this page http://italyfilmproject.com/?page_id=2717 i tried with many videos that come from my channel where there is no limitations about using the embed code or lin in other websites, i just uploaded my flashplayer and tried with all browser. Could you give me some advices for these issues?

  • Transparent menu show work definitely. In this case you can send us access to your wp dashboard on pm with explanation and we can have a look on it. Bur video does not work because you never read the info about field for video. There is clearly written that you should paste VIDEO ID, not VIDEO WHOLE URL.
  • edited August 2014
    i didn't know what video ID it means, i thought it was the url link, it works fine now.
    you can acces to my wpadmin

    Basically when i change the header with the transparent one the page goes up and cover the logo instead of stayng down to the menu. thanks
  • edited August 2014
    Ok we see what is going on... Transparent header style does not work with "Header minimalist" option. But if you want to use both options, at the same time, then you need to use also below custom css:
    1. body.minimalist-header:not(.template-slider) #Header { min-height: 170px !important; background: #FFF !important; }
    BTW You already posted access to your wp dashboard as public and everyone can see that. We removed it already but we recommend to change your details.
  • thanks so much! i'm going to change it
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