Theme suddenly broken after editing font style and size in theme options

edited September 19 in BeBuilder


I've been making small alterations to the font sizes on mobile devices, so had disabled auto font size in Theme Options > Fonts > Size & Style > General

Everything was working fine, until I hit save changes, which I had done successfully several times, and now the theme appears to be completely broken from a visual standpoint - both on the public facing site and in BeBuilder.

Before I noticed it had broken, I noticed that the option for auto font size had gone back to enabled. Then I could see it was broken, and also noticed that other options had reverted to their default values.

I've tried restoring a backup from earlier today, but this hasn't fixed it. I also tried tools > re-render builder data.

The site is:

I manage this site as a favour to the local community club.

Here is what it did look like vs. what it looks like now!

Please can anyone offer any assistance?

Thanks in advance!


  • Hi,

    The site looks like the Theme Options were reset to default values, but this cannot happen automatically during a regular save. To investigate this, we need you to restore the site to the nearest working backup; otherwise, you’ll need to reconfigure the values in Theme Options manually.

    Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.

  • Hi Albert,

    Thank you for coming back to me. I've tried restoring to an earlier point, but it still doesn't work. However, I have since discovered that the correct styling does load, and then vanishes. I'm currently trying to identify if there is a style sheet that loads later that is affecting the styling, which certainly seems to be the case.

    Viewing the site in a private browsing tab always show the correct styling for a second. Have you ever seen this before?

    Many thanks,


  • Unless we don't have access details we have asked for above, we have no idea what might be the reason of such weird behave as this could be everything.

  • Hi Albert,

    Apologies for the delay, we have only just managed to get the FTP details. I have now submitted these through the contact form as requested.



  • You have extremely low limits set on your website, and that could be the reason why it happened:

    Contact your hosting provider and ask them to increase these values to the recommended ones.

    Best regards

  • Hi Phil,

    I'll drop them a message and ask them to change.

    However, how do I get the styling fixed at this point? As mentioned, it's still there as the site loads correctly for a second before breaking, as if another style sheet is loading.

    Please advise.

    Thank you,


  • Did you revert the backup as Albert suggested?

    Best regards

  • Yes, every backup has the exact same problem. It loads, and then breaks. It seems the data isn't the issue, it's whatever is building the assets perhaps?

  • I believe that I might not understand your issue fully.

    Are you able to record a video showing your problem, please? It will surely prevent any confusion.


  • Hi Phil, please see attached video. I've throttled the connection to show the effect. You'll see that the site loads looking exactly as intended, and then as it finishes, it breaks. As I said, it appears to be a late-loading resource that breaks the styling somehow.

  • Some cached version of your website is loading before all styles load.

    When you disable LiteSpeed Cache you will notice that it does not happen.

    You must set again theme options. I have set header color and menu color for a test

    Please note that we do not support this caching plugin.

    You can find a list of supported plugins here:

    Best regards

  • But why did the theme just lose all of it's options? The cache was showing what the site should look like after many hours of work. I was literally altering font sizes, clicked save, and it was broken. How do you explain this?

  • The theme does not erase anything by itself. One of the unsupported plugins you are using could have caused this issue, and I would suspect the caching plugin.

    There is an option in the theme to reset theme options, but you must use it and write a confirmation code, so there is no option for you to click it by accident.

    Best regards

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